Πέμπτη 17 Οκτωβρίου 2019

Health Outcomes of Gratitude
imageNo abstract available
A Pilot Study of the Effects of Chair Yoga and Chair-Based Exercise on Biopsychosocial Outcomes in Older Adults With Lower Extremity Osteoarthritis
imageThis pilot study examined whether chair yoga and chair-based exercise are effective in managing biopsychosocial outcomes for older adults with lower extremity osteoarthritis. Both interventions improved physical function and mobility over time, although no significant differences between the 2 interventions were identified.
Effects of Virtual Reality in Patients Undergoing Dialysis: Study Protocol
imageDialysis is often considered slow, repetitive, and with programmed intervals. Patients often perceive it as time taken from their lives with a sense of ineluctability and emptiness, engendering a negative emotional and cognitive perception of the world and one's place in it. Today, it is possible to improve the quality of life of patients during hemodialysis using virtual reality (VR). This creation of a true multisensory experience may absorb the patient's perceptions during hemodialysis, improving his/her quality of life. An Italian multicenter, longitudinal experimental study will be conducted with a randomized, pre-post test design, with balanced allocation 1:1, in parallel groups with a control group in the standard care of patients diagnosed with chronic renal failure who are, undergoing hemodialysis treatment. A sample of 186 patients calculated with sample size (power = 80%, β = 0.2, α = 0.05) will be randomized into an experimental group exposed to VR, and a control group in standard care. The 2 groups will be studied over a period of 1 month, with 12 applications of VR and with measurements of the following outcomes: anxiety, fatigue, pruritus, arterial pressure, heart rate, respiration rate, and duration of the session at each hemodialysis session. This is the first international experimental protocol that examines the application of VR in patients undergoing hemodialysis. If the results show statistically and clinically significant differences, the VR could be an additional holistic intervention, which is evidence based, linked to the humanization of chronic, repetitive interventions, complementary to and synergistic with standard of care.
Caregiver-Delivered Foot Reflexology: Effects on Patients and Caregivers
imageThe aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of caregiver-delivered foot reflexology on patients with cancer and their caregivers. A 2-group pre- and posttest design was used in this study, and the study was conducted in an oncology hospital between January 2016 and February 2018. The study included 60 patients and 60 caregivers. Caregivers performed interventions once a day for 15 days. Patients in the experimental group received reflexology, and patients in the control group were included in the reading session. Mean pain, anxiety, and fatigue levels significantly decreased for the patients who received foot reflexology from their caregivers for 15 days compared with patients in the control group. The mean care burden score of the caregivers in both groups decreased. Clinicians should teach caregiving practices such as foot reflexology and know that these practices are a positive influence on both patients and caregivers.
Effects of Aromatherapy on Pain and Anxiety Scores in Adult Patients Admitted to a Community Hospital on the Medical Unit or Telemetry Unit: A Pilot Study
imageThe purpose of the study was to determine the impact of aromatherapy intervention on pain and anxiety. The hypothesis was that the use of aromatherapy will improve pain and anxiety scores when assessed within 30 to 60 minutes of administration. The study design was a prospective comparison of aromatherapy using a pre-/postdesign study. A convenience sample of patients was recruited from both a medical unit and a telemetry unit with patients aged 18+ years from a 182-bed acute care Magnet community hospital. Pain and anxiety levels were assessed prior to administration of a medication, within 60 minutes of receiving pain medication, and within 60 minutes of receiving aromatherapy. Ninety-six percent of the participants would use aromatherapy if offered again, would use it in the future, and would recommend its use to family and friends. Both pain and anxiety improved after the aromatherapy with a P value of <.0001. This pilot study demonstrated that aromatherapy is safe and effective at reducing pain and anxiety and should be considered as a valuable adjunct to symptom management.
Implementation of a Shared Medical Appointment as a Holistic Approach to CHF Management
imageCongestive heart failure is a costly chronic disease within the United States. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of a holistic shared medical appointment (SMA) approach to congestive heart failure. Findings suggest the SMA approach improves depression, quality of life (QOL), and health-promoting behaviors. This study implemented congestive heart failure self-management education in primary care using a holistic multidisciplinary approach with SMA to provide evidence-based interventions to improve depression, QOL, and health promotion outcomes. Patients participating in the holistic multidisciplinary SMA experienced improvement in depression, QOL, and health promotion behaviors. A comparison of the means between preintervention and postintervention showed an overall reduction in systolic blood pressure, weight, depression scores, QOL scores, and several indicators of health promotion lifestyle.
Reducing the Second Victim Phenomenon: Healing Our Healers With Caritas Coaching
The second victim phenomenon is one in which nurses and other health care providers use dysfunctional mechanisms, such as anger, projection of blame, or drugs and/or alcohol, to cope with serious mistakes in the absence of a healthier means for healing. The main purpose of this article is to provide evidence and practices that support the need for caring organizational support systems following serious adverse clinical events. Recommendations are provided on key elements of programs to prevent the prevalence, symptoms, and impact of the second victim phenomenon on our health care professionals, our patients, and our health care system.
Sugary Drinks: A Modifiable Risk Factor for Cancer Prevention
imageNo abstract available
Critically Appraising Research Studies and Reports: Tools to Guide Evidence Evaluation
No abstract available

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