JAMA Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery Online First ,
Care Value for Older Patients Receiving Radiotherapy With or Without Cisplatin or Cetuximab for Head/Neck Cancer
This cohort study uses the SEER-Medicare outcomes and claims database to evaluate the quality, outcomes, and costs associated with radiation therapy with or without cisplatin or cetuximab for older adults with stage III to IVB head and neck cancer.
Harms of Pediatric Thyroid Cancer Overdiagnosis
To the Editor We read with interest the article by Qian et al, who reported thyroid cancer incidence among children in the United States. On the basis of similar trends between tumor sizes (0.1-2.0 and >2 cm) and between extent of diseases (localized and regional), they suggested 2 causes of the increase: overdiagnosis, associated with a 2006 recommendation for a similar diagnostic and therapeutic approach in children as in adults by the American Thyroid Association; and environmental risk factors, such as
Harms of Pediatric Thyroid Cancer Overdiagnosis—Reply
In Reply In our study, we reported that the incidence rate of pediatric thyroid cancer increased more rapidly during 2006 to 2013 than during 1973 to 2006. We proposed that this is likely owing to a combination of enhanced detection and a concurrent true increase in pediatric thyroid cancer incidence based on increased incidences of large tumors and regionally advanced disease. We have read the comments of Murakami et al and wish to address their concerns regarding the interpretation of the later finding.
Using Confidence Intervals to Quantify Statistical and Clinical Evidence for the Treatment Effect
This Viewpoint provides additional points that may further enhance proper use and interpretation of the confidence interval for making inference about the treatment effect.
Determining Operative Candidacy and Avoiding Regret
Every surgical oncologist bristles when considering whether to offer an operation of questionable benefit. Patient, oncologic, and clinician factors all influence whether a surgery is indicated and how to effectively navigate the necessary preoperative counseling and preparation. The inherent risks and rewards of cancer surgery are magnified when the underlying physical fitness of the patient is in question. Even when dealing with technically feasible operations for potentially curable malignant tumors, a p
TCT Magazine | 3D Printer & 3D Printing News | Additive Manufacturing | Product Development Technology
Origin starts shipping Origin One 3D printer
Origin has announced it is now officially shipping its Origin One system after doubling its install base with Global Fortune 500 customers in the last six months.
3DGence teams with Arkema and Armor to open up PAEK 3D printing capabilities
The Polish 3D printer manufacturer has announced a collaboration with Arkema and Armor Group to bring a new PAEK-based material to its certified filament library.
3D Printing Industry
Lulzbot closing by end of October? Lawsuit filed by employee
Following the speculation that Aleph Objects, manufacturer of Lulzbot open-source 3D printers had met its end, the company has refused to deny claims that it is indeed shutting down. An email attributed to Aleph Objects states, “We regret to inform you that the owners of Aleph Objects Inc, makers of Lulzbot 3D printers, have decided to […]
Bastion Cycles acquire Renishaw 3D printer for in-house custom manufacturing
Australian custom bike manufacturer Bastion Cycles has purchased an AM250 3D printer from UK-based additive manufacturing specialist Renishaw. The company previously outsourced metal 3D printing services to develop custom bike parts for its customers, but has now decided to take complete control over its production process by bringing a Renishaw 3D printer in-house. Ben Schultz, […]
MTC opens innovation hub to put UK on the map for metal additive manufacturing
On October 15 2019, the Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC) in Coventry, UK, opened a new innovation hub for metal additive manufacturing. Marking a new stage for the award winning DRAMA project, the facility acts as a physical testbed for the integration of full, digitally-linked, 3D printing process chains in the aerospace sector. Its foundation has been supported by […]
Thyroid - Table of Contents
89th Annual Meeting of the American Thyroid Association October 30–November 3, 2019 Sheraton Grand Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
Thyroid, Volume 29, Issue 10, Page 1357-1358, October 2019.
F-18-Dopa Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography Is More Sensitive Than Whole-Body Magnetic Resonance Imaging for the Localization of Persistent/Recurrent Disease of Medullary Thyroid Cancer Patients
Thyroid, Volume 29, Issue 10, Page 1457-1464, October 2019.
Future Meetings
Thyroid, Volume 29, Issue 10, Page 1521-1522, October 2019.
Lewis E. Braverman, MD, MACE, MACP (March 30, 1929–June 10, 2019)
Thyroid, Volume 29, Issue 10, Page 1349-1356, October 2019.
Auris Nasus Larynx
Sphenoid sinus development in patients with acquired middle ear cholesteatoma
In this study, we examine the relationship between developmental insufficiency of mastoid air cells and abnormal morphology of the paranasal sinuses in patients with chronic otitis media (COM) and acquired middle ear cholesteatoma (AMEC) using precise image assessment, in order to evaluate whether the anatomical features of paranasal sinuses has any impact on the pathogenesis in COM and AMEC.
Journal of Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery - Latest Articles
Molecular mutations as a possible factor for determining extent of thyroid surgery
Molecular testing of thyroid nodules is a diagnostic tool used to better understand the nature of thyroid nodules. The aim of this study is to better comprehend the relationship between specific mutations and ...
Tissue Engineering Part A - Table of Contents
Peptide-Based Scaffolds for the Culture and Transplantation of Human Dopaminergic Neurons
Tissue Engineering Part A, Ahead of Print.
The Dental Elf
Molar incisor hypomineralisation: systemic associations
This review of the systemic exposures associated with with molar incisor hypomineralisation (MIH) included 29 observational studies. VEry low quality evidence suggests that maternal illness, psychological stress, caesarean delivery, delivery complications, respiratory diseases, fever and childhood illnesses may be associated with MIH. The post Molar incisor hypomineralisation: systemic associations appeared first on National Elf Service.
Seminars in Plastic Surgery
Breast Implants and Radiation
Seminars in Plastic Surgery 2019; 33: 240-246DOI: 10.1055/s-0039-1696963One of the most influential factors in the success of breast reconstruction is whether or not radiation therapy has or will be performed. While traditional teaching is that all breasts treated with radiation therapy must be reconstructed with an autologous component, many reconstructive surgeons perform implant-based breast reconstruction without an autologous component and have success doing so. The purpose of this article is to explor
Sebastian J. Winocour, MD, MSc, FACS
Seminars in Plastic Surgery 2019; 33: 213-214DOI: 10.1055/s-0039-1697678Thieme Medical Publishers 333 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001, USA.Article in Thieme eJournals:Table of contents | Full text
Update in Implant-Based Breast Reconstruction
Seminars in Plastic Surgery 2019; 33: 215-216DOI: 10.1055/s-0039-1697948Thieme Medical Publishers 333 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001, USA.Article in Thieme eJournals:Table of contents | Full text
Use of New Technologies in Implant-Based Breast Reconstruction
Seminars in Plastic Surgery 2019; 33: 258-263DOI: 10.1055/s-0039-1696987Outcomes after mastectomy and prosthetic-based breast reconstruction have improved immensely since the development of the first tissue expander and breast implant in the 1960s. One major factor contributing to our improved outcomes over the past two decades is the increasing availability and improvement of perfusion assessment technology. Instrumental methods now exist which allow surgeons to assess tissue viability intraoperatively, an
The Evolution of Breast Implants
Seminars in Plastic Surgery 2019; 33: 217-223DOI: 10.1055/s-0039-1696985Breast augmentation remains one of the most commonly performed aesthetic procedures in the United States and worldwide. Throughout the last few decades, the implants used for this procedure have undergone significant advancements, which has allowed surgeons to provide safer and more aesthetically pleasing outcomes. This article discusses the history of breast implants since their invention in 1962. Particular emphasis is given to the ev
Prepectoral Breast Reconstruction
Seminars in Plastic Surgery 2019; 33: 236-239DOI: 10.1055/s-0039-1696966Prepectoral breast reconstruction was first done in the early 1960s; however, while initial results were promising, high complication rates led surgeons to move toward submuscular implant placement. We soon came to find that submuscular implant placement was not without its own set of drawbacks. Surgeons have since revisited the efficacy of prepectoral breast reconstruction in light of new surgical and technological advances. Following
Latest Trends in Subpectoral Breast Reconstruction
Seminars in Plastic Surgery 2019; 33: 224-228DOI: 10.1055/s-0039-1696964There has been a shift in recent years toward a growing popularity of implant-based breast reconstruction, especially in the setting of increased frequency of concurrent contralateral prophylactic mastectomy. Advancements in implant safety and technology have also allowed for an expanding implant reconstruction practice across the country. The traditional approach is immediate two-stage implant reconstruction with placement of a tissue
Implant Reconstruction in Nipple Sparing Mastectomy
Seminars in Plastic Surgery 2019; 33: 247-257DOI: 10.1055/s-0039-1696988Nipple sparing mastectomy has been popularized in the modern era of breast cancer treatment due to its touted advantages with regard to resultant body image and reconstructive outcome. Implant-based techniques remain the most prevalent means of breast reconstruction. Special considerations regarding patient selection and technique are reviewed for implant reconstruction in the setting of mastectomy with nipple preservation. Applications
Evidence for the Use of Acellular Dermal Matrix in Implant-Based Breast Reconstruction
Seminars in Plastic Surgery 2019; 33: 229-235DOI: 10.1055/s-0039-1696986Acellular dermal matrices (ADMs) are tissue grafts that have been specially processed to remove all cellular components. These machined biological scaffolds have become popular in a variety of surgical settings due to their rapid incorporation into living tissue. As ADMs are highly malleable and cause minimal inflammation, they have come to serve as a useful tool in implant-based breast reconstruction procedures. The major benefits of u
Update in Direct-to-Implant Breast Reconstruction
Seminars in Plastic Surgery 2019; 33: 264-269DOI: 10.1055/s-0039-1697028Implant-based reconstruction (IBR) remains the most commonly utilized breast reconstruction option for post-mastectomy patients. IBR can be approached as either a one-stage reconstruction or a two-stage reconstruction. Facilitated by improvements in surgical technology and advanced techniques, one-stage reconstruction, also known as direct-to-implant (DTI) reconstruction, involves the insertion of an implant at the time of mastectomy. T
Finding Consensus After Two Decades of Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma
Seminars in Plastic Surgery 2019; 33: 270-278DOI: 10.1055/s-0039-1696998Breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) is an emerging and indolent, but potentially fatal cancer of the immune system that can develop around textured-surface breast implants. The World Health Organization first recognized BIA-ALCL as a unique clinical entity in 2016. To date, over 600 confirmed cases have been reported worldwide. BIA-ALCL most commonly presents with disease confined to the capsule, as a ser
Earth and environmental sciences : nature.com subject feeds
Latest Results for Brain Imaging and Behavior
Altered functional connectivity of the amygdala in Crohn’s disease
Abstract Crohn’s disease (CD), a chronic inflammatory bowel disease, involved in brain structural and functional changes, including the amygdala. Amygdala is a key structure in the limbic system and its related circuits are implicated in processing of emotion, pain and sensory. However, limited study of the amygdala is elucidated in CD. This study mainly investigated altered functional connectivity (FC) of the amygdala in CD patients during resting-state. Magnetic resonance imaging scans
Latest Results for Clinical and Experimental Medicine
The epithelial cadherin –160C/A polymorphism is associated with decreased risk of colorectal cancer: a case–control study
Abstract The epithelial cadherin (CDH1) is an important determinant of tumor progression. Previous studies have indicated that the CDH1 –160C/A polymorphism was associated with the risk of colorectal cancer (CRC). However, they yielded conflicting results. Thus, we conducted this case–control study to evaluate the association between the CDH1 –160C/A polymorphism and susceptibility to CRC in a Chinese population. We recruited 351 cases and 411 controls in this case–control study. The geno
Latest Results for European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology
Endoscopic stapedotomy: safety and audiological results in 150 patients
Abstract Objective The most widely accepted treatment for otosclerosis is currently microscopic stapes surgery under either local or general anesthesia. The aim of the study is to describe the surgical steps in endoscopic stapes surgery and to evaluate the audiologic and surgical outcomes. Materials and methods All patients who underwent exclusive endoscopic stapes
Latest Results for Molecular Imaging and Biology
ScienceDirect Publication: Data in Brief
Amplicon sequencing dataset of soil fungi and associated environmental variables collected in karst and non-karst sites across Yunnan province, southwest China
Publication date: December 2019Source: Data in Brief, Volume 27Author(s): Kingsly C. Beng, Richard T. CorlettAbstractFungi are among the most widely distributed organisms on Earth, performing key roles in nutrient cycling, disease, and the global carbon cycle. However, studies on regional-scale fungal assemblage patterns and the underlying drivers, are scarce. The aim of this research was to determine the relative importance of environmental heterogeneity and spatial distance on the metacommunity structure
Dataset of multi-harmonic measurements for the experimental CEA-beam benchmark structure
Publication date: December 2019Source: Data in Brief, Volume 27Author(s): M. Claeys, J.-P. Lambelin, Y. Chantereau, J.-J. SinouAbstractThis data article comprises post-processed data to investigate the non-linear dynamic behavior of the CEA-beam benchmark structure that is a clamped–clamped steel beam with non-ideal boundary conditions. Experiments have been performed on the CEA-CESTA laboratory.The data provided include output measurements for the nonlinear dynamic behavior of the CEA-beam (i.e. the displa
Dataset of the PV surface temperature distribution when generating electricity (PV-On) and without generating electricity (PV-Off) using Halogen Solar Simulator
Publication date: December 2019Source: Data in Brief, Volume 27Author(s): Erkata YandriAbstractThese datasets present the Joule heating effect from our experimental series for the paper entitled, “Development and Experiment on the Performance of Collector with Polymeric Thermal Photovoltaic Thermal (PVT) Collector with Halogen Solar Simulator” [1]. The experiment was carried out before integrating the photovoltaic (PV) module part with the thermal (T) collector part into a hybrid PVT collector. The Joule he
Public good experiment data of a water game framed to Rajasthan/India
Publication date: December 2019Source: Data in Brief, Volume 27Author(s): Thomas Falk, Shalander Kumar, Srinivasa SrigiriAbstractThis dataset belongs to a framed economic field experiment conducted in 2016 in Bhilwara district in Rajasthan state in India. A public good game was framed as dam management challenge. We made incentivized payments based on the game earnings. The data are organized as a panel defined by players and experiment rounds. The dataset contains the experiment decisions in different phas
Experimental data on novel Fe(III)-complexes containing phenanthroline derivatives for their anticancer properties
Publication date: December 2019Source: Data in Brief, Volume 27Author(s): Cristina P. Matos, Zelal Adiguzel, Yasemin Yildizhan, Buse Cevatemre, Tugba Bagci-Onder, Ozge Cevik, Patrique Nunes, Liliana P. Ferreira, Maria Deus Carvalho, Débora L. Campos, Fernando R. Pavan, João Costa Pessoa, Maria Helena Garcia, Ana Isabel Tomaz, Isabel Correia, Ceyda AcilanAbstractThis dataset is related to the research article entitled “May iron(III) complexes containing phenanthroline derivatives as ligands be prospective an
Metaproteomic data of maize rhizosphere for deciphering functional diversity
Publication date: December 2019Source: Data in Brief, Volume 27Author(s): Renu, Sanjay Kumar Gupta, Ashutosh Kumar Rai, Khan Mohd. Sarim, Anu Sharma, Neeraj Budhlakoti, Devendra Arora, Dhiraj Kumar Verma, Dhananjaya P. SinghAbstractMetaproteomics is a powerful tool for obtaining data on all proteins recovered directly from environmental samples at a given time. It provides a direct evidence of functional diversity and structure among microbiota present in niches and significant insights into microbial activ
Shipping and storage temperature logger datasets for extended shelf life vacuum packaged chilled beef in the Chinese supply chain
Publication date: December 2019Source: Data in Brief, Volume 27Author(s): Damian Frank, Yimin Zhang, Xin Luo, Xue Chen, Glen Mellor, Janet Stark, Joanne HughesAbstractThis article contains temperature logger datasets obtained for refrigerated cartons of Australian vacuum packaged chilled beef stored under near ideal conditions (∼- 1 °C) in Australia (CONTROL) and shipped via land and sea to three destinations in China (China-1, China-2, China-3) described in detail previously [1]. Cartons were stored for 84
Time-energy Measured Data on Modern Multicore Systems Running Shared-memory Applications
Publication date: Available online 16 October 2019Source: Data in BriefAuthor(s): Dumitrel Loghin, Yong Meng TeoAbstractThis article presents execution time and energy data collected from modern multicore systems running shared-memory applications, analyzed using our analytic models. While the full data sets and source code are available on Github, this data-in-brief article includes some samples and describes the experimental setup.
Survey Data on Inter-firm Linkages and Innovation Activities of Chinese Manufacturing SMEs
Publication date: Available online 16 October 2019Source: Data in BriefAuthor(s): Liang Mei, Tao Zhang, Jin ChenAbstractThe data presented in this article is based on a questionnaire survey regarding the inter-firm linkages and innovation activities of Chinese manufacturing SMEs. A valid sample of 420 SMEs was collected, covering six manufacturing industries. The data involves the inter-firm linkages, innovation performance, R&D intensity, IT adoption, and other demographic indicators of the sampling firms.
Chemical and Antibacterial Data of Synthesized Thioureido Derivatives
Publication date: Available online 16 October 2019Source: Data in BriefAuthor(s): M.A. Kadir, R. Ramli, M.S.M. Yusof, N. Ismail, N. Ngah, N.S.H. HarisAbstractThis paper provided comprehensive data on spectroscopic and antibacterial activities of thioureido compounds which are relevant with research article entitled “Synthesis, Spectroscopic Studies and Antibacterial Activity of New Lauroyl Thiourea Amino Acid Derivatives” [1]. Based on the reported study, four new thioureido derivatives, namely 3-(3-dodecan
WiseNET: An indoor multi-camera multi-space dataset with contextual information and annotations for people detection and tracking
Publication date: Available online 16 October 2019Source: Data in BriefAuthor(s): Roberto Marroquin, Julien Dubois, Christophe NicolleAbstractNowadays, camera networks are part of our every-day life environments, consequently, they represent a massive source of information for monitoring human activities and to propose new services to the building users. To perform human activity monitoring, people must be detected and the analysis has to be done according to the information relative to the environment and
Data on the evolution of curing characteristics and properties during the room-temperature annealing process in SSBR/BR gums and SSBR/BR/SiO<sub>2</sub> composites
Publication date: Available online 16 October 2019Source: Data in BriefAuthor(s): Xinping Zhang, Lei Cai, Chuanwei Wang, Aihua HeAbstractThe present article contains the data of tensile stress-strain curves, crosslinking characteristics curves, filler dispersion images and dynamic mechanical properties of SSBR/BR blends and SSBR/BR/SiO2 composites during room-temperature annealing. The data in this article aims to accurately describe the evolution of the network structures and physical mechanical properties
Data from multimodal functions based on an array of photovoltaic modules and an approximation with artificial neural networks as a scenario for testing optimization algorithms
Publication date: Available online 16 October 2019Source: Data in BriefAuthor(s): Carlos Robles-Algarín, Diego Restrepo-Leal, Adalberto Ospino CastroAbstractThis paper presents the data of multimodal functions that emulate the performance of an array of five photovoltaic modules under partial shading conditions. These functions were obtained through mathematical modeling and represent the P-V curves of a photovoltaic module with several local maximums and a global maximum. In addition, data from a feedforwa
Dataset on the imprint of the Agia Zoni II tanker oil spill on the marine ecosystem of Saronikos Gulf
Publication date: Available online 16 October 2019Source: Data in BriefAuthor(s): Constantine Parinos, Ioannis Hatzianestis, Styliani Chourdaki, Elvira Plakidi, Alexandra GogouAbstractThese data relate to the research article entitled “Imprint and short-term fate of the Agia Zoni II tanker oil spill on the marine ecosystem of Saronikos Gulf” by Parinos et al., 2019 [1]. The dataset includes the concentrations of 32 individual compounds/groups of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) determined in 235 seaw
Data on lateral photocurrent along a Cu(In,Ga)Se<sub>2</sub> thin film as a function of air exposure time
Publication date: Available online 16 October 2019Source: Data in BriefAuthor(s): Jiseong Jang, Sangyeob Lee, Choong-Heui ChungAbstractWavelength-dependent (i.e. penetration-depth-dependent) lateral photocurrent (iLP) measurement has been used to extract depth-resolved Lc profiles, where Lc is the minority carrier collection length by diffusion. The extracted Lc depth-profiles can be used to determine the minority carrier diffusion length and back-surface recombination velocity in Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGS) thin f
Perceived benefits and constraints in vehicle automation: Data to assess the relationship between driver’s features and their attitudes towards autonomous vehicles
Publication date: Available online 16 October 2019Source: Data in BriefAuthor(s): Ignacio Lijarcio, Sergio A. Useche, Javier Llamazares, Luis MontoroAbstractThis data article examines the association driver’s features, perceptions and attitudes towards autonomous vehicles (AVs). The data was collected using a structured self-administrable and online-based questionnaire, applied to a full sample of 1,205 Spanish drivers. The data contains 4 parts: the full set of bivariate correlations between study variable
Grain area data and yield characteristics data in rapid yield prediction based on rice panicle imaging
Publication date: Available online 15 October 2019Source: Data in BriefAuthor(s): Haonan Zheng, Sanqin Zhao, Yutao LiuAbstractTo explore the relationship between the attributes of the rice panicle and its weight parameters, 6 different rice cultivars from Sihong City, Jiangsu Province, China were selected for sampling in 2017. Then, their weight parameters were measured. The images of rice panicles were scanned to obtain grain area. The significant correlation between the grain area and the panicle weight w
Data on Gabonese rodents and their Plasmodium
Publication date: Available online 15 October 2019Source: Data in BriefAuthor(s): Larson Boundenga, Diamella-Nancy Moukodoum, Barthélémy NgoubangoyeAbstractIn this paper present data on the description of rodent species living around human dwelling in some villages of Gabon and their malaria parasites. Rodents are known to colonize various environments, such as forest; domestic or peridomestic environment. They are known to be the hosts of many parasites. Data presented here the circulation of malaria paras
Data of the Impact of Aligning Business, IT, and Marketing Strategies on Firm Performance
Publication date: Available online 15 October 2019Source: Data in BriefAuthor(s): Abdulrahman Al-Surmi, Guangming Cao, Yanqing DuanAbstractThe data presented in this article are related to the research article entitled “The Impact of Aligning Business, IT, and Marketing Strategies on Firm Performance” [1]. In order to succeed in today’s competitive business environment, a firm should have a clear business strategy that is supported by other organizational strategies. While prior studies argue that strategic
Image Datasets of Cocoa Beans for Taxonomy Nuances Evaluation
Publication date: Available online 15 October 2019Source: Data in BriefAuthor(s): F.A. Santos, E.S. Palmeira, G.J. JesusAbstractThere are some classification methods that generate nuances in the final accuracy caused by objects positioning, framing and damage. Those occurrences may result in a drop of accuracy in computer vision systems that were trained with structured static datasets and are intended to use in day-to-day applications in which the images are not always as organized as the trained dataset,
Data on Security Implications of the Adoption of Internet of Things by Public Relations Professionals
Publication date: Available online 15 October 2019Source: Data in BriefAuthor(s): Lanre Amodu, Oscar Odiboh, Suleimanu Usaini, Darlynton Yartey, Thelma EkanemAbstractThe dataset is on public relations professionals’ views on the security issues related to the adoption of the Internet of Things (IoT) for the activities. The data were generated through the administration of online questionnaire to 100 public relations professionals in Nigeria and were analyzed using the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA).
Dataset of characteristic remanent magnetization and magnetic properties of early Pliocene sediments from IODP Site U1467 (Maldives platform)
Publication date: Available online 15 October 2019Source: Data in BriefAuthor(s): Luca Lanci, Elena Zanella, Luigi Jovane, Simone Galeotti, Montserrat Alonso-García, Carlos A. Alvarez-Zarikian, Nagender Nath Bejugam, Christian Betzler, Or M. Bialik, Clara L. Bla¨ttler, Gregor P. Eberli, Junhua Adam Guo, Sébastien Haffen, Senay Horozal, Mayuri Inoue, Dick Kroon, Juan Carlos Laya, Anna Ling Hui Mee, Thomas Lu¨dmann, Masatoshi NakakuniAbstractThis data article describes data of magnetic stratigraphy and anisot
Estradiol and genistein effects on the sea bass (<em>Dicentrarchus labrax</em>) scales: transcriptome dataset
Publication date: Available online 15 October 2019Source: Data in BriefAuthor(s): Patricia I.S. Pinto, André R. Andrade, Michael.A.S. Thorne, M.Dulce Estêvão, Adelino.V.M. Canario, Deborah.M. PowerAbstractFish scales are mineralized structures that play important roles in protection and mineral homeostasis. This tissue expresses multiple estrogen receptor subtypes and can be targeted by estrogens or estrogenic endocrine-disrupting compounds, but their effects are poorly explored. The transcriptome data here
High-throughput sequencing data and antibiotic resistance mechanisms of soil microbial communities in non-irrigated and irrigated soils with raw sewage in African cities
Publication date: Available online 15 October 2019Source: Data in BriefAuthor(s): B.P. Bougnom, S. Thiele-Bruhn, V. Ricci, C. Zongo, L.J.V. PiddockAbstractHigh-throughput sequencing data of soil microbial communities in non-irrigated and irrigated soils with raw sewage in African cities are presented in this report. These data were collected to study the potential of wastewater use in urban agriculture to disseminate bacterial resistance in soil. Soil samples were collected in three cities in two African co
EarVN1.0: A new large-scale ear images dataset in the wild
Publication date: Available online 15 October 2019Source: Data in BriefAuthor(s): Vinh Truong HoangAbstractEar recognition is starting to grow as an alternative to other biometric recognition types in recent years. The EarVN1.0 dataset is constructed by collecting ear images of 164 Asian peoples during 2018. It is among the largest ear datasets publicly to the research community which composed by 28,412 colour images of 98 males and 66 females. Thus, this dataset is different from previous works by providin
Data on arsenic trioxide modulates Treg/Th17/Th1/Th2 cells in treatment-naïve rheumatoid arthritis patients and collagen-induced arthritis model mice
Publication date: Available online 15 October 2019Source: Data in BriefAuthor(s): Chunling Li, Juan Zhang, Weiyan Wang, Hui Wang, Yue Zhang, Zhiyi ZhangAbstractIn this article, we share the raw protein and mRNA data obtained from basal and stimulated human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) derived from 15 individual treatment-naïve rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients and synovial fluid mononuclear cells (SFMCs). In treatment-naïve RA patients, PBMCs were treated with a gradient of concentrations of
Data on cytotoxic activity of an Artemisia annua herbal preparation and validation of the quantification method for active ingredient analysis
Publication date: Available online 15 October 2019Source: Data in BriefAuthor(s): Michael Schmiech, Sophia J. Lang, Tatiana Syrovets, Thomas SimmetAbstractThe data in this article contain supporting information for the research manuscript entitled “Antitumor activity of an Artemisia annua herbal preparation and identification of active ingredients” by Lang et al. [1]. Momundo Artemisia annua extract and an acetonitrile fraction thereof induce apoptosis in MDA-MB-231 triple negative breast cancer cells as sh
The mixed liver and heart transcriptome dataset of the New Zealand brushtail possum<em>, Trichosurus vulpecula</em>
Publication date: Available online 15 October 2019Source: Data in BriefAuthor(s): Daniel White, Katherine Trought, Brian HopkinsAbstractNew Zealand suffers greatly from invasive mammal predators including rats, stoats, feral cats and possums all of which not only damage or prey on New Zealand’s unique terrestrial biodiversity, but also have huge impact on NZ’s economy as many of these pests act as vectors of disease to farm and game animals. As such, the NZ government has invested nearly $90m to support an
Dataset on the diversity of plant-parasitic nematodes in cultivated olive trees in southern Spain
Publication date: Available online 15 October 2019Source: Data in BriefAuthor(s): Antonio Archidona-Yuste, Thorsten Wiegand, Pablo Castillo, Juan A. Navas-CortésAbstractDatasets presented here were employed in the main work “Spatial structure and soil properties shape local community structure of plant-parasitic nematodes in cultivated olive trees in southern Spain” Archidona-Yuste et al., 2020. In this research, we aimed to unravel the diversity of plant-parasitic nematodes (PPN) associated with cultivated
Data for dynamics analysis of soil dissolved organic matter. Long term amendment effect
Publication date: Available online 15 October 2019Source: Data in BriefAuthor(s): Neil Yohan Musadji, Claude Geffroy-RodierAbstractThe data presented here are related to the research paper entitled “Spectral characteristics of soil dissolved organic matter: long-term effects of exogenous organic matter on soil organic matter and spatial-temporal changes” [1]. Fluorescence Excitation-Emission Matrixes and DOC content of 39 suction cup soil solutions are given for a control and an urban green waste compost am
Data on induction of brown/beige adipocytes in mouse retro-orbital adipose tissues
Publication date: Available online 15 October 2019Source: Data in BriefAuthor(s): Makoto Sugiyama, Masayuki Funaba, Osamu HashimotoAbstractThe data presented here are related to the research article entitled “Inducible brown/beige adipocytes in retro-orbital adipose tissues” [1]. Brown and beige adipocytes dissipate stored energy through the generation of heat by using mitochondrial uncoupling protein 1 (Ucp1), which is a mammalian brown/beige adipocyte-specific protein that promotes proton leakage across t
Dataset for quantitative phospho-proteomics analysis of a serial hepatoma cell lines with increasing invasion and metastasis potential
Publication date: Available online 14 October 2019Source: Data in BriefAuthor(s): Xiaohua Xing, Hui Yuan, Ying Sun, Kun Ke, Xiuqing Dong, Hui Chen, Xiaolong Liu, Bixing Zhao, Aimin HuangAbstractHepatoma is one of the most common malignant tumor, and most patients have very poor prognosis. Early prediction and intervention of the hepatoma recurrence/metastasis are the most effective way to improve the patients’ clinical outcomes. Here, we used isobaric tags for relative and absolute quantitation (iTRAQ) base
Great Britain Transport, Housing, and Employment Access Datasets for small-area Urban Area Analytics
Publication date: Available online 14 October 2019Source: Data in BriefAuthor(s): Obinna C.D. Anejionu, Yeran Sun, Piyushimita (Vonu) Thakuriah, Andrew McHugh, Phillip MasonAbstractThis paper provides a brief description of three new forms of key datasets relevant to urban analytics studies namely: Transport, Housing and Employment Accessibility, covering Great Britain, developed by the Urban Big Data Centre (UBDC). Full details of the research related to this paper are contained in “Spatial urban data syst
Macroeconomic dataset for comparative studies on coastal and inland regions in innovation space of Russia
Publication date: Available online 14 October 2019Source: Data in BriefAuthor(s): Anna A. Mikhaylova, Andrey S. Mikhaylov, Oksana V. SavchinaAbstractThis article presents regional-level data that can be used for comparative territorial studies on innovation dynamics. The dataset covers a series of 50 indicators grouped into a matrix of 5 elements of regional innovation system (human resources – HR, infrastructure, research & development sector – R&D, innovative milieu, framework conditions) and 5 components
Dataset On Performance Of Solar Powered Agricultural Produce Cooling Storage System Under Tropical Conditions
Publication date: Available online 13 October 2019Source: Data in BriefAuthor(s): S.O. Oyedepo, J.A. Omoleye, O. Kilanko, C.S. Ejike, B.F. Bolarinwa – Odunayo, U. Idemili, G. OdewoleAbstractMuch of the post-harvest loss of agricultural produce in developing countries is due to lack of proper storage facilities. Agricultural produce such as peppers, tomatoes and fruits are highly perishable in nature; thus, maintaining the optimal air conditions inside the storage cabinet helps extending their shelf lives. T
Data for “Social-evaluative threat: Stress response stages and influences of biological sex and neuroticism”
Publication date: Available online 13 October 2019Source: Data in BriefAuthor(s): Eefje S. Poppelaars, Johannes Klackl, Belinda Pletzer, Frank H. Wilhelm, Eva JonasAbstractThis Data In Brief article contains supplementary materials to the article “Social-evaluative threat: stress response stages and influences of biological sex and neuroticism” [1], and describes analysis results of an open dataset [2]. Additional information is provided regarding the methods, particularly: the analysis of individual stress
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Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,alsfakia@gmail.com,
Παρασκευή 18 Οκτωβρίου 2019
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Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,alsfakia@gmail.com,
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Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,
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