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Τρίτη 1 Οκτωβρίου 2019

Journal of Surgical Oncology
Early View

Online Version of Record before inclusion in an issue

Development and validation of a risk stratification model for immediate microvascular breast reconstruction
Mélissa Roy MDCM, MSc, Stephanie Sebastiampillai HBSc, Siba Haykal MD, PhD, Toni Zhong MD, MHS, Stefan O. P. Hofer MD, PhD, Anne C. O'Neill MBBCh, PhD
Version of Record online: 28 September 2019
    The effect of radical cystectomy on survival in patients with metastatic urothelial carcinoma of the urinary bladder
    Stefano Luzzago MD, Carlotta Palumbo MD, Giuseppe Rosiello MD, Angela Pecoraro MD, Marina Deuker MD, Zhe Tian  Mr, Shahrokh F. Shariat  MD, Fred Saad  MD, Ottavio de Cobelli MD, Pierre I. Karakiewicz  MD
    Version of Record online: 28 September 2019
      Efficacy validation of a lymphatic drainage device for lymphedema drainage in a rat model
      Ming‐Huei Cheng MD, MBA, Chin Yu Yang MSc, Richard Tee MBBS, PhD, Yu‐Ting Hong MSc, Chih‐Cheng Lu PhD
      Version of Record online: 25 September 2019
        Conditional disease‐free survival after curative‐intent liver resection for neuroendocrine liver metastasis
        Kota Sahara MD, Katiuscha Merath MD, Diamantis I. Tsilimigras MD, J. Madison Hyer MS, Alfredo Guglielmi MD, Luca Aldrighetti MD, Matthew Weiss MD, Ryan C. Fields MD, George A. Poultsides MD, Shishir K. Maithel MD, Itaru Endo, Timothy M. Pawlik, other members of the U.S. Neuroendocrine Tumor Study Group
        Version of Record online: 24 September 2019
          Yield of staging laparoscopy in gastric cancer is influenced by Laurén histologic subtype
          Karol Rawicz‐Pruszyński MD, PhD, Jerzy Mielko MD, PhD, Kamil Pudło MD, Radosław Lisiecki MD, PhD, Tomasz Skoczylas MD, PhD, Dawid Murawa MD, PhD, Wojciech Piotr Polkowski MD, PhD
          Version of Record online: 23 September 2019
            Performance of Hong Kong Liver Cancer staging system in patients of hepatocellular carcinoma treated with surgical resection: An Indian validation study
            Shraddha Patkar MS, MCh, Amir Parray MS, DNB, Balu Mahendra MS, MCh, Sagar Kurunkar MS, DNB, Mahesh Goel MS, MCh
            Version of Record online: 23 September 2019
              Does race impact survival for patients with anal squamous cell carcinoma?
              Adam C. Fields MD, Vanessa M. Welten MD, MPH, Pamela Lu MD, Joel E. Goldberg MD, MPH, Jennifer Irani MD, Ronald Bleday MD, Nelya Melnitchouk MD, MSc
              Version of Record online: 23 September 2019
                RESEARCH ARTICLES
                Elective neck dissection (END) and cN0 hard palate and upper gingival cancers: A National Cancer Database analysis of factors predictive of END and impact on survival
                Adetokunbo Obayemi MD Jr, Jennifer R. Cracchiolo MD, Jocelyn C. Migliacci MA, Qasim Husain MD, Rahmatullah Rahmati MD, Benjamin R. Roman MD, MSHP, Marc A. Cohen MD, MPH
                Version of Record online: 23 September 2019

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