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Πέμπτη 17 Οκτωβρίου 2019

Regular Maintenance Is Strongly Recommended: The Road to Board Certification and Beyond
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Wet Tap, Worse Outcomes: Complications Following Post-Dural Puncture Headache
imageNo abstract available
Chi-square Tests in Medical Research
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The Time to Address Curriculum and Evaluation for Nontechnical Skills Is Now
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Toward Transparency in Board Certification
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Developing the Anesthesia Workforce: The Impact of Training Nurse Anesthetists
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Is Insufficient Evidence Sufficient?
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Characterization of the Rapid Drop in Pulse Oximetry Reading After Intraoperative Administration of Methylene Blue in Open Thoracoabdominal Aortic Repairs
imageThis study evaluates the changes of oxygen saturation (Spo2) after intravenous administration of methylene blue in 103 patients undergoing open repair of thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms. We found that Spo2 decreased by a median (interquartile range [IQR]) of 49% (37%–81%) <1 minute after methylene blue administration and recovered completely after approximately 6 minutes—median (IQR) of 270 seconds (180–510). A shorter time to nadir Spo2 was associated with a higher nadir (Spearman r [95% confidence interval {CI}], −0.32 [−0.50 to −0.13]; P = .001). Body surface area (BSA) was positively correlated with nadir Spo2 (Spearman r [95% CI], 0.36 [0.15–0.51]; P < .001).
Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists Clinical Practice Improvement Advisory for Management of Perioperative Bleeding and Hemostasis in Cardiac Surgery Patients
imageBleeding after cardiac surgery is a common and serious complication leading to transfusion of multiple blood products and resulting in increased morbidity and mortality. Despite the publication of numerous guidelines and consensus statements for patient blood management in cardiac surgery, research has revealed that adherence to these guidelines is poor, and as a result, a significant variability in patient transfusion practices among practitioners still remains. In addition, although utilization of point-of-care (POC) coagulation monitors and the use of novel therapeutic strategies for perioperative hemostasis, such as the use of coagulation factor concentrates, have increased significantly over the last decade, they are still not widely available in every institution. Therefore, despite continuous efforts, blood transfusion in cardiac surgery has only modestly declined over the last decade, remaining at ≥50% in high-risk patients. Given these limitations, and in response to new regulatory and legislature requirements, the Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists (SCA) has formed the Blood Conservation in Cardiac Surgery Working Group to organize, summarize, and disseminate the available best-practice knowledge in patient blood management in cardiac surgery. The current publication includes the summary statements and algorithms designed by the working group, after collection and review of the existing guidelines, consensus statements, and recommendations for patient blood management practices in cardiac surgery patients. The overall goal is creating a dynamic resource of easily accessible educational material that will help to increase and improve compliance with the existing evidence-based best practices of patient blood management by cardiac surgery care teams.
Intravascular Cooling Device Versus Esophageal Heat Exchanger for Mild Therapeutic Hypothermia in an Experimental Setting
imageBACKGROUND: Targeted temperature management is a standard therapy for unconscious survivors of cardiac arrest. To date, multiple cooling methods are available including invasive intravascular cooling devices (IVDs), which are widely used in the clinical setting. Recently, esophageal heat exchangers (EHEs) have been developed providing cooling via the esophagus that is located close to the aorta and inferior vena cava. The objective was to compare mean cooling rates, as well as differences, to target temperature during maintenance and the rewarming period of IVD and EHE. METHODS: The study was conducted in 16 female domestic pigs. After randomization to either IVD or EHE (n = 8/group), core body temperature was reduced to 33°C. After 24 hours of maintenance (33°C), animals were rewarmed using a target rate of 0.25°C/h for 10 hours. All cooling phases were steered by a closed-loop feedback system between the internal jugular vein and the chiller. After euthanasia, laryngeal and esophageal tissue was harvested for histopathological examination. RESULTS: Mean cooling rates (4.0°C/h ± 0.4°C/h for IVD and 2.4°C/h ± 0.3°C/h for EHE; P < .0008) and time to target temperature (85.1 ± 9.2 minutes for IVD and 142.0 ± 21.2 minutes for EHE; P = .0008) were different. Mean difference to target temperature during maintenance (0.07°C ± 0.05°C for IVD and 0.08°C ± 0.10°C for EHE; P = .496) and mean rewarming rates (0.2°C/h ± 0.1°C/h for IVD and 0.3°C/h ± 0.2°C/h for EHE; P = .226) were similar. Relevant laryngeal or esophageal tissue damage could not be detected. There were no significant differences in undesired side effects (eg, bradycardia or tachycardia, hypokalemia or hyperkalemia, hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia, hypotension, overcooling, or shivering). CONCLUSIONS: After insertion, target temperatures could be reached faster by IVD compared to EHE. Cooling performance of IVD and EHE did not significantly differ in maintaining target temperature during a targeted temperature management process and in active rewarming protocols according to intensive care unit guidelines in this experimental setting.

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