Σάββατο 26 Οκτωβρίου 2019

The Pan African Medical Journal services

Conference services
The PAMJ Conference Services provides a range of conference services to organizations, from small to large conferences. We offer an integrated and complete environment for the management of scientific conferences through the combined strength of the PAMJ Conference Management System and PAMJ editorial officers. READ MORE
Capacity building
Learn to communicate science: Invite PAMJ professional team of trainers for an on site training on how to write and avoid immediate rejection. This course is based on real examples from the PAMJ editorial office and stems from close to ten years of operation and more than 13,000 manuscripts processed. READ MORE

Language and editing services
Our technical translators will translate all manuscripts types and technical documents from French to English or from English to French. Translation services from Arabic, Spanish and German to English language soon available READ MORE

Article services
Order professionally designed, high quality, full color reprints of your published article, on the paper of your choice, mailed to you through expedite mail. Display a high defnition, full color poster (from A3 size) of your published article in your office, lab or class. The poster is printed on high quality paper of your choice. READ MORE

Taking the management of scientific conferences to the next level

PAMJ-CMS powered more than 15 high profile conferences in 2018 alone. In addition, you can get the proceedings of your conference published in the PAMJ - Conference Proceedings as well as get a demo or to order our conference services for your next conference on the PAMJ-CMS Official pageREAD MORE
PAMJ Conference services
Registration services
Participants registration and management, badges design and printing

Abstracts submission
Submission, peer review made simple

Program design
Updating, printing and sharing the conference program made simple

Abstracts publishing
Publication of conference proceedings made simple. One-click abstract book generation. READ MORE


For conference organizers

PAMJ-Conference Proceedings (PAMJ-CP) publishes only abstracts, no full-length manuscripts are published in the journal. Irrespective of the conference material considered (poster, oral presentation, symposium etc...) an abstract will be required for publication in PAMJ-Conference Proceedings. READ MORE
Conference posters

Only the poster abstract will be published. The posters themselves will not be published. READ MORE

Submission of conferences to PAMJ-CP

The PAMJ Conference Management System allows for easy conference management including participants registration, submission and management of abstracts, including management of conference sessions and track. Conferences managed through PAMJ CMS can seamlessly be published on PAMJ-CP. We can still published conferences that were not managed through PAMJ-CMS. Contact services@panafrican-med-journal.com for more. READ MORE
PAMJ Supplements

Publishing a supplement with PAMJ

PAMJ publishes supplements. Supplements are published in addition to the regular issues of the journal. Supplements may be based on: proceedings of a meeting or conferences, collection of manuscripts related to a specific topic etc.. Supplement are published with the support of various entities including: nonprofit organizations, government agencies, pharmaceutical companies, medical education companies, universities etc..READ MORE

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