The Preteen Perfectionist: An Evaluation of the Perfectionism Social Disconnection ModelAbstract
This research investigated associations between socially prescribed and self-orientated perfectionism, and the social functioning of 510 preteens (Mage = 11.2). The study focused on predictions from the Perfectionism Social Disconnection Model (PSDM) by determining whether rejection sensitivity and social isolation, in that sequence, mediated the associations between both perfectionism types and mental health outcomes. Employing both survey and experimental methods, findings indicated that both types of perfectionism in preadolescence were associated with increased interpersonal difficulty, rejection sensitivity and feelings of social isolation, as well as higher levels of eating disorder symptoms, depression, and anxiety. Results from serial mediation analyses found general support for the theoretical predictions of the PSDM for socially prescribed perfectionism, and extending upon previous research, for self-orientated perfectionism. The age of the sample suggests that both forms of perfectionism may be important targets in programs to prevent the development of mental health problems.
The Moderating Role of Sleep in the Relationship Between Social Isolation and Internalising Problems in Early AdolescenceAbstract
Social isolation may be a unique risk factor for depression and anxiety in early adolescence. However, optimal sleep may protect adolescents from the emotional sequela of social isolation. The present study aimed to investigate whether sleep moderates the relationship between social isolation and symptoms of anxiety and depression in early adolescence. Five hundred and twenty eight early adolescents (M = 11.18 years, SD = 0.56, range 10–12 years, 51% male) completed online questionnaires assessing social isolation, sleep duration, daytime sleepiness and symptoms of generalised anxiety, social anxiety, separation anxiety and depression. Sleep duration moderated the effect of social isolation on symptoms of generalised anxiety, social anxiety and depression, but not separation anxiety. Daytime sleepiness emerged as an additional sleep-related risk factor in the relationship between social isolation and depressive symptoms. Therefore, sleep may be an important modifiable risk or protective factor to target, in the prevention of depression and anxiety in adolescence.
Differential Relationships of Child Anxiety and Depression to Child Report and Parent Report of Electronic Media UseAbstract
Child depression and anxiety have been associated with electronic media use, but the comorbidity between the two has rarely been accounted for in analyses. We examined both child and parent reports of electronic media use in relation to parent-reported child depression and anxiety. Using survey and interview data collected for 9- to 11-year-olds from the 21-site adolescent brain cognitive development study, we conducted generalized linear mixed models. Our results demonstrated that electronic media use was more strongly associated with depression than anxiety, and that accounting for depression significantly reduced the relationship between electronic media use and anxiety. Different categories of electronic media showed differential relationships to anxiety and depression, with video gaming and video chatting related to anxiety, but video watching related to depression. These findings provide important data to ground theories of the mechanisms that contribute to these associations.
Slow Processing Speed and Sluggish Cognitive Tempo in Pediatric Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Evidence for Differentiation of Functional CorrelatesAbstract
The association between slow processing speed and sluggish cognitive tempo (SCT), a phenotype described within attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) samples over the past decade, remains unclear. We examined whether SCT and processing speed predict different functional correlates within children and adolescents with ADHD. Participants were 193 clinically-referred youth meeting DSM ADHD criteria without comorbid conditions (mean age = 9.9 years, SD = 2.5; age range 6–16). The incremental utility of SCT and processing speed to predict (1) adaptive functioning and (2) academic achievement, after controlling for age, sex, medication status, and ADHD symptom burden, was assessed using hierarchical multiple regressions. SCT symptoms significantly predicted adaptive functioning, accounting for 6% of the variance, but did not predict academic achievement. Processing speed did not add incrementally to the prediction of adaptive functioning, but did predict academic achievement, accounting for 4% of the variance. Results suggest that SCT and processing speed differentially predict functional abilities not accounted for by ADHD symptom burden.
Ready or Not? Transitions of Depressed Adolescents During Acute Phase of TreatmentAbstract
Readiness to change has been identified as a predictor, moderator, and mediator of treatment. Individuals may start treatment in one stage and either stay, regress, or progress across stages, but there is little research exploring these transitions within mental health treatment. The present study addressed two aims: characterize the prevalence of stage membership and transitions, and explore predictors of stage membership and transitions. A Treatment for Adolescents with Depression Study sub-sample was used and participants (n = 383) ranged in age from 12 to 17, with a primary diagnosis of Major Depressive Disorder. The 18-item self-report Stages of Change Questionnaire was administered at baseline and week 6 of treatment. A latent transition analysis determined stage membership and transitions. Most adolescents initiated treatment in precontemplation or contemplation, and hopelessness predicted stage membership and stage transitions. This study revealed that readiness to change and hopelessness are related within the first few weeks of treatment, which may have implications for depressed adolescent’s ability to benefit from care.
The Influence of Internalizing Symptoms and Emotion Dysregulation on the Association Between Witnessed Community Violence and Aggression Among Urban AdolescentsAbstract
The current cross-sectional study examined whether internalizing (i.e. anxiety and depressive) symptoms and/or emotion dysregulation moderated the association between witnessed community violence and aggressive behavior. Participants were 180 predominantly African American adolescents (62% girls; M age = 15.87 years, SD = 1.19 years) from a high school located in an urban community in the United States. Approximately 95% of adolescents reported having witnessed at least one violent act during their lifetimes, with many endorsing repeated exposure to severe acts of community violence. Results indicated that emotion dysregulation exacerbated the association between witnessed community violence and aggression. A quadratic effect of anxiety symptoms also moderated this association, such that witnessed community violence was linked to aggression at low and high, but not moderate, levels of anxiety symptoms. In contrast, a quadratic effect of depressive symptoms was uniquely related to aggression, regardless of witnessed community violence. Directions for future research and implications for practice are reviewed.
Does Family Accommodation Predict Outcome of Concentrated Exposure and Response Prevention for Adolescents?Abstract
Findings suggest that increased levels of family accommodation are associated with a poorer treatment outcome in obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD). A concentrated treatment format, the Bergen 4-day treatment (B4DT), has previously demonstrated promising results in the treatment of adolescents with OCD. The present paper examined changes in family accommodation and investigated whether family accommodation predicted outcome, in a sample of 63 adolescents (age range 11–18) participating in the B4DT. There were significant reductions on CY-BOCS and FAS from pre- to post-treatment and from pre-treatment to follow-up (p < 0.001), with large within-group effect sizes on both measures. Pre-treatment levels of symptom severity or family accommodation was not found to predict outcome at post-treatment or at follow-up. Less OCD-related functional impairment at pre-treatment predicted a better outcome at both post-treatment and follow-up. The findings suggest that the B4DT significantly reduces OCD-symptoms regardless of pre-treatment levels of family accommodation or OCD severity.
The Perspective Matters: A Multi-informant Study on the Relationship Between Social–Emotional Competence and Preschoolers’ Externalizing and Internalizing SymptomsAbstract
Recent research demands a multi-informant and multi-factorial assessment of preschool-age psychopathology. Based on a tripartite model, we tested the relationship between emotional and social competence and their contribution to externalizing and internalizing symptoms in a preschool-age community sample (N = 117, M = 4.67 years, SD = 2.75 months). We assessed teachers’ (N = 109) and parents’ (N = 77) perspective using the Strengths-and-Difficulties-Questionnaire and children’s perspective using the Berkeley-Puppet-Interview and a standardized emotional-competence-test (MeKKi). We found externalizing symptoms being negatively related to prosocial behavior in teachers’ and parents’ reports and positively related to social initiative in teachers’ reports. In teachers’ reports only, a mediation effect of emotional competence via social competence on externalizing symptoms was shown. Children, but not caregivers, reported internalizing symptoms being positively related to prosocial behavior. These results highlight the importance of multiple informants and especially of children’s self-perception in preschool-age psychopathology.
The Multidimensional Youth Body Dysmorphic Inventory: Development and Preliminary ValidationAbstract
A new measure specifically designed for adolescents to assess body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) symptoms is needed to identify youth who could benefit from intervention to reduce their BDD-related symptomology. To address this gap, the Multidimensional Youth Body Dysmorphic Inventory (MY BODI) was developed and the psychometric properties were evaluated. Following development and expert assessment, Australian secondary school students (N = 582; 55% female; Mage = 13.62, SD = 1.59, aged 11 to 18 years, grades 7 to 12) completed a survey with the new items and validation measures. Results from the factor analysis supported a 3-factor, 21-items measure, which aligned with the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria of Impairment/avoidance, Preoccupation/repetitive behaviours, and Insight/distress. Supporting the convergent validity of the measure, the MY BODI total score and sub-scale scores correlated with measures of BDD symptoms, including the Appearance Anxiety Inventory (AAI) and Body Dysmorphic Disorder Questionnaire-Adolescent Version (BDDQ-A). This study provides preliminary validation of the MY BODI, a self-report measure of BDD symptoms and symptom severity, using a response set aimed to facilitate more reliable reporting, which may identify risk for BDD, and symptoms of BDD.
Multi-informant Expectancies and Treatment Outcomes for Anxiety in YouthAbstract
Expectancies for a favorable treatment outcome have been associated with actual favorable outcomes but have been understudied in youth with anxiety. The current study applied structural equation modeling in a sample of anxious youth (N = 488; 7–17 years, M = 10.69, SD = 2.80) to examine whether a multi-informant latent expectancies factor, indicated by youth, parent, and therapist reports, predicted a latent posttreatment anxiety factor, controlling for a latent pretreatment anxiety factor. Both anxiety latent factors were indicated by youth, parent, and independent evaluator (IE) reports. Analyses also examined whether treatment condition (cognitive behavioral therapy, sertraline, combination, pill placebo) moderated the association between expectancies and outcome, and whether this association differed across development. Findings indicated that informant reports loaded similarly onto the latent factors. Results also demonstrated that treatment expectancies were positively associated with outcomes, and that this relationship held across treatment type and age group. Treatment implications and future research directions are discussed.
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,,
Πέμπτη 17 Οκτωβρίου 2019
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Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,,
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Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
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