Allergologia et Immunopathologia
- Assessment of regular drug use and inhaler technique skills in asthmatic childrenPublication date: Available online 16 October 2019Source: Allergologia et ImmunopathologiaAuthor(s): Ceren Can, Emre Akkelle, Pınar Gökmirza Özdemir, Mehtap Yazıcıoğlu, Necdet SütAbstractObjectiveThis study aimed to assess the regular use of long-term asthma-control medication and to determine inhaler techniques in asthmatic children.MethodsThe study was conducted on asthmatic children aged 6–18 years. Information on rescue and controller medicat
Lasers in Surgery and Medicine
Sociedad Luso-Española de Neurocirugía
- Vertebral instrumentation and Phlegmasia cerulea dolens.Related ArticlesVertebral instrumentation and Phlegmasia cerulea dolens. Neurocirugia (Astur). 2019 Oct 11;: Authors: Sainz González F, Palacios Cabezas P, Lorente Gómez A, Sánchez Galán Á, Lorente Moreno R Abstract Phlegmasia cerulea dolens is a very infrequent condition secondary to a deep venous thrombosis of multietiological origin usually affecting the lower extremities. It presents with pain an
- Spinal cord compression secondary to traumatic intradural arachnoid cyst.Related ArticlesSpinal cord compression secondary to traumatic intradural arachnoid cyst. Neurocirugia (Astur). 2019 Oct 11;: Authors: Jiménez Zapata HD, Utiel Monsálvez E, Jiménez Arribas P, Dueñas Carretero M, Sánchez Fernández C, Fernández García A, Ayuso Hernández M, Rodríguez Arias CA Abstract Spinal arachnoid cysts are rare entities, most of which have a congenital or spontaneous etiology. Seco
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Cellular and Molecular Biology
- Roles of microRNAs as non-invasive biomarker and therapeutic target in colorectal cancer.Roles of microRNAs as non-invasive biomarker and therapeutic target in colorectal cancer. Histol Histopathol. 2019 Oct 16;:18171 Authors: Wan TM, Iyer DN, Ng L Abstract Evolutionary medicine has proven helpful to understand the origin of human disease, e.g. in identifying causal roles of recent environmental changes impacting on human physiology (environment-phenotype mismatch). In contrast, diseases
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radioactive iodine
- Radiation-related Adverse Effects of CT-guided Implantation of 125I Seeds for Thoracic Recurrent and/or Metastatic Malignancy.Related ArticlesRadiation-related Adverse Effects of CT-guided Implantation of 125I Seeds for Thoracic Recurrent and/or Metastatic Malignancy. Sci Rep. 2019 Oct 15;9(1):14803 Authors: Ji Z, Jiang Y, Guo F, Peng R, Sun H, Wang P, Fan J, Wang J Abstract During radioactive Iodine-125 seed implantation (RISI), Iodine-125 radionuclide is implanted directly into a lesion and kills tumor cells by steadily e
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Dysphagia - Rehabilitation
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Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery - Published Ahead-of-Print
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- Knowledge and Skills Acquisition by Plastic Surgery Residents Through Digital Simulation Training: A Prospective Randomized Blinded TrialIntroduction: Simulation is a standard component of residency training in many surgical subspecialties, yet its impact on knowledge and skills acquisition in plastic surgery training remains poorly defined. We evaluated the potential benefits of simulation-based cleft surgery learning in plastic surgery resident education through a prospective, randomized, blinded trial. Methods: Thirteen plastic surgery residents were randomized to a dig
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The European Gastrointestinal Motility Society
- Hirschsprung disease: Insights on genes, penetrance, and prenatal diagnosisSeveral genes are known to be involved in the development of Hirschsprung disease, which may present with localized or extensive aganglionosis. This article reviews experience on long‐segment Hirschsprung disease, associated genes, and the potential role of prenatal diagnosis. Given that Hirschsprung disease severity is so variable and that it is potentially curable, a conservative approach to diagnosis and prenatal management seems most appropri
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ear nose throat
- Conservative Treatment Possibilities of Ménière Disease, Involving Vertigo Diaries.Conservative Treatment Possibilities of Ménière Disease, Involving Vertigo Diaries. Ear Nose Throat J. 2019 Oct 16;:145561319881838 Authors: Molnár A, Maihoub S, Tamás L, Szirmai Á Abstract Ménière disease is a disorder of the inner ear, characterized by rotational vertigo, hearing loss, tinnitus, and vegetative symptoms. The aim of the present research is to examine the effectiveness of betahistine
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Associação Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia e Cirurgia Cérvico-Facial
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Experimental and therapeutic medicine
- "Exp Ther Med"[jour]; +16 new citations16 new pubmed citations were retrieved for your search. Click on the search hyperlink below to display the complete search results: "Exp Ther Med"[jour] These pubmed results were generated on 2019/10/16PubMed comprises more than millions of citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.
Association française pour l'étude du cancer
- [Oral feeding of patient hospitalized for allogeneic stem cells transplantation: Guidelines from the Francophone Society of Bone Marrow Transplantation and Cellular Therapy (SFGM-TC)].Related Articles[Oral feeding of patient hospitalized for allogeneic stem cells transplantation: Guidelines from the Francophone Society of Bone Marrow Transplantation and Cellular Therapy (SFGM-TC)]. Bull Cancer. 2019 Oct 12;: Authors: Dendoncker C, Brouillat C, Daufrene L, Deledicque V, Cheikh JE, Gibault-Joffe C, Guilbert Y, Guidi V, Hadrot L, Haran I, Kermeur G, Kernoa K, L'Hostette A, Mercier L, Mouneydier K, Ser
- [Epidemiology, treatment and prognosis of colorectal cancer in young adults in sub-Saharan Africa].Related Articles[Epidemiology, treatment and prognosis of colorectal cancer in young adults in sub-Saharan Africa]. Bull Cancer. 2019 Oct 12;: Authors: Ouedraogo S, Tapsoba TW, Bere B, Ouangre E, Zida M Abstract Colorectal cancer is the most common digestive cancer. The objectives of this study was to analyse the frequency, aetiologies, and the therapeutic and progressive aspects of colorectal cancer
- [Adjuvant hormonal therapy for early breast cancer: Assessment of patients' satisfaction].Related Articles[Adjuvant hormonal therapy for early breast cancer: Assessment of patients' satisfaction]. Bull Cancer. 2019 Oct 12;: Authors: Vardanega J, Henriques J, Pourcelot C, Dirand C, Nallet G, Brédart A, Anota A, Chaigneau L, Curtit E, Limat S, Paget-Bailly S, Nerich V Abstract INTRODUCTION: Since the cancer plan, evaluation of professional practices is essential to ensure the implementation
- [How to capture cytogenetic and molecular abnormalities into ProMISe database for hematological malignancies: Guidelines from the francophone society of bone marrow transplantation and cellular therapy (SFGM-TC)].Related Articles[How to capture cytogenetic and molecular abnormalities into ProMISe database for hematological malignancies: Guidelines from the francophone society of bone marrow transplantation and cellular therapy (SFGM-TC)]. Bull Cancer. 2019 Oct 12;: Authors: Raus N, Karam M, Chebel R, Dantin C, Pereira M, Wallart A, Yakoub-Agha I, Srour M Abstract In an effort to standardize hematopoietic stem
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Journal of plastic, reconstructive & aesthetic surgery : JPRAS
- The impact of rhinoplasty on observer attention before and after rhinoplasty.Related ArticlesThe impact of rhinoplasty on observer attention before and after rhinoplasty. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2019 Oct 01;: Authors: Rahavi-Ezabadi S, Amali A, Most SP, Sazgar AA, Sadeghi M, Sammaknejad N PMID: 31615723 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
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Journal of Endocrinological Investigation
- Cognition and cerebrovascular function in primary hyperparathyroidism before and after parathyroidectomyAbstract Purpose There are cognitive changes in primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT) that improve with parathyroidectomy, but the mechanism of cognitive dysfunction has not been delineated. We assessed if cerebrovascular function is impaired in PHPT, improves post-parathyroidectomy and is associated with PTH level and cognitive dysfunction.
International journal of pediatric otorhinolaryngology,
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International Journal of Surgery
- Electrochemotherapy for advanced cutaneous angiosarcoma: a European register-based cohort study from the International Network for Sharing Practices of Electrochemotherapy (InspECT).Electrochemotherapy for advanced cutaneous angiosarcoma: a European register-based cohort study from the International Network for Sharing Practices of Electrochemotherapy (InspECT). Int J Surg. 2019 Oct 13;: Authors: Campana LG, Kis E, Bottyán K, Orlando A, de Terlizzi F, Mitsala G, Careri R, Curatolo P, Snoj M, Sersa G, Valpione S, Quaglino P, Mowatt D, Brizio M, Schepler H Abstract BACKGROUND: Cut
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BioMed Research International
- Possible Effects of Proton Pump Inhibitors on Hearing Loss DevelopmentFor their being considered safe and as over-the-counter (OTC) drugs, proton pump inhibitors (PPI) are one of the most frequently used medicines nowadays. However, for the last couple of years, many researches analyzing PPI were conducted and these studies shed light on PPI side effects and mechanisms of these processes. Particularly, interesting is the impact of PPI on hearing loss development. However, this side effect seems to be local and its
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,,
Πέμπτη 17 Οκτωβρίου 2019
Allergologia et Immunopathologia
Lasers in Surgery and Medicine
Sociedad Luso-Española de Neurocirugía
Cellular and Molecular Biology
radioactive iodine
Dysphagia - Rehabilitation
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery - Published Ahead-of-Print
The European Gastrointestinal Motility Society
ear nose throat
Associação Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia e Cirurgia Cérvico-Facial
Experimental and therapeutic medicine
Association française pour l'étude du cancer
Journal of plastic, reconstructive & aesthetic surgery : JPRAS
Journal of Endocrinological Investigation
International journal of pediatric otorhinolaryngology,
International Journal of Surgery
BioMed Research International
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Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,,
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Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
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