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Πέμπτη 24 Οκτωβρίου 2019

MicroRNAs facilitate skeletal muscle maintenance and metabolic suppression in hibernating brown bears.
Related ArticlesMicroRNAs facilitate skeletal muscle maintenance and metabolic suppression in hibernating brown bears. J Cell Physiol. 2019 Oct 23;: Authors: Luu BE, Lefai E, Giroud S, Swenson JE, Chazarin B, Gauquelin-Koch G, Arnemo JM, Evans AL, Bertile F, Storey KB Abstract Hibernating brown bears, Ursus arctos, undergo extended periods of inactivity and yet these large hibernators are resilient to muscle disuse atrophy. Physiological characteristics...
pubmed: "j cell physiol"[jou...
Thu Oct 24, 2019 15:45
Progenitor-cell-enriched micrografts as a novel option for the management of androgenetic alopecia.
Related ArticlesProgenitor-cell-enriched micrografts as a novel option for the management of androgenetic alopecia. J Cell Physiol. 2019 Oct 23;: Authors: Ruiz RG, Rosell JMC, Ceccarelli G, De Sio C, De Angelis GC, Pinto H, Astarita C, Graziano A Abstract Regenerative medicine is a multidisciplinary field that combines engineering and life science principles to promote regeneration, potentially restoring the physiological condition in diseased tissues....
pubmed: "j cell physiol"[jou...
Thu Oct 24, 2019 15:45
MicroRNA-16 is involved in the pathogenesis of pre-eclampsia via regulation of Notch2.
Related ArticlesMicroRNA-16 is involved in the pathogenesis of pre-eclampsia via regulation of Notch2. J Cell Physiol. 2019 Oct 23;: Authors: Yuan Y, Wang X, Sun Q, Dai X, Cai Y Abstract In recent years, the role of microRNAs (miRNAs) in pre-eclampsia (PE) has been demonstrated, while the relevant mechanisms of miR-16 in PE await to be unearthed. Thus, the aim of this study is to explore whether miR-16 exerts its function in PE, and we assumed that miR-16...
pubmed: "j cell physiol"[jou...
Thu Oct 24, 2019 15:45
Circular RNA circ_0074026 indicates unfavorable prognosis for patients with glioma and facilitates oncogenesis of tumor cells by targeting miR-1304 to modulate ERBB4 expression.
Related ArticlesCircular RNA circ_0074026 indicates unfavorable prognosis for patients with glioma and facilitates oncogenesis of tumor cells by targeting miR-1304 to modulate ERBB4 expression. J Cell Physiol. 2019 Oct 23;: Authors: Chen M, Liu X, Xie P, Wang P, Liu M, Zhan Y, Wang H, Feng Y, Li Y Abstract Glioma (GM) is a common malignancy all over the world. A novel circular RNA (circRNA), circ_0074026, has been documented to be upregulated in GM tissues...
pubmed: "j cell physiol"[jou...
Thu Oct 24, 2019 15:45
K-Ras-PI3K regulates H3K56ac through PCAF to elevate the occurrence and growth of liver cancer.
Related ArticlesK-Ras-PI3K regulates H3K56ac through PCAF to elevate the occurrence and growth of liver cancer. J Cell Physiol. 2019 Oct 22;: Authors: Gao X, Cheng Z, Yuan H, Zhao H Abstract H3 modification is related to a wide range of tumors, including liver cancer. The Ras passageway is actuated in human diseases. Thus, we investigated the roles of Ras in liver cancer cells via acetylation of H3K56. Ras-carrying G12V and Y40C site mutation was transfected...
pubmed: "j cell physiol"[jou...
Thu Oct 24, 2019 13:46
YAP1 inhibits the induction of TNF-α-stimulated bone-resorbing mediators by suppressing the NF-κB signaling pathway in MC3T3-E1 cells.
Related ArticlesYAP1 inhibits the induction of TNF-α-stimulated bone-resorbing mediators by suppressing the NF-κB signaling pathway in MC3T3-E1 cells. J Cell Physiol. 2019 Oct 22;: Authors: Yang B, Sun H, Xu X, Zhong H, Wu Y, Wang J Abstract Yes-associated protein 1 (YAP1), the core downstream effector of the Hippo signaling cascade, was involved in the regulation of osteoblast and osteoclast differentiation and in bone metabolism. However, the regulatory...
pubmed: "j cell physiol"[jou...
Thu Oct 24, 2019 13:46
Single peptides and combination modalities for triple negative breast cancer.
Related ArticlesSingle peptides and combination modalities for triple negative breast cancer. J Cell Physiol. 2019 Oct 22;: Authors: Razazan A, Behravan J Abstract Unlike other types of breast cancers (BCs), no specific therapeutic targets have been established for triple negative breast cancer (TNBC). Therefore, chemotherapy and radiotherapy are the only available adjuvant therapeutic choices for TNBC. New emerging reports show that TNBC is associated...
pubmed: "j cell physiol"[jou...
Thu Oct 24, 2019 13:46
Switch to checkpoint inhibition after targeted therapy at time of progression or during on‐going response: a retrospective single centre experience in patients with BRAF mutated melanoma
Abstract BRAF+MEK inhibition is preferentially applied as first line therapy in BRAF V600 mutated melanoma patients with unfavourable prognostic features, due to the ability of targeted therapy (TT) to induce rapid symptom control, decrease tumour burden, and normalize lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) levels. In addition, short‐term TT transiently increases tumour antigen presentation and tumour influx of T‐cells. Therefore, it might be favourable to switch TT to checkpoint inhibition (CPI) before progression...
Wiley: Pigment Cell & Melanoma Research: Table of Contents
Wed Oct 23, 2019 16:14
GABA‐A receptor and mitochondrial TSPO signaling act in parallel to regulate melanocyte stem cell quiescence in larval zebrafish
Abstract Tissue regeneration and homeostasis often require recruitment of undifferentiated precursors (adult stem cells; ASCs). While many ASCs continuously proliferate throughout the lifetime of an organism, others are recruited from a quiescent state to replenish their target tissue. A longstanding question in stem cell biology concerns how long‐lived, non‐dividing ASCs regulate the transition between quiescence and proliferation. We study the melanocyte stem cell (MSC) to investigate the molecular...
Wiley: Pigment Cell & Melanoma Research: Table of Contents
Wed Oct 23, 2019 12:09
Differential effects of various genetic mouse models of the mechanistic target of rapamycin complex I inhibition on heart failure
Abstract Inhibition of mammalian target of rapamycin complex I (mTORC1) by rapamycin improves cardiac function in both aging and heart failure. While the protective mechanisms are not fully understood in mammals, they are presumably mediated through metabolic regulation and suppression of protein translation by reduced phosphorylation of 4EBP1, a target of mTORC1. Using transverse aortic constriction (TAC) and Gαq overexpression-induced heart failure models, we examined the effect...
Thu Oct 24, 2019 03:00
Influence of cognitive‐motor expertise on brain dynamics of anticipatory‐based outcome processing
Abstract Motor experience plays an important role in the ability to anticipate action outcomes, but little is known about the brain processes through which it modulates the preparation for unexpected events. To address this issue, EEG was employed while table tennis players and novices observed videos of serves in order to predict the expected ball direction based on the kinematics of a model’s movement. Furthermore, we manipulated the congruency between the model’s body kinematics and the subsequent...
Wed Oct 23, 2019 14:55
The neural substrates responsible for how trait anxiety affects delay discounting: Right hippocampal and cerebellar connectivity with bistable right inferior parietal lobule
Abstract Delay discounting, an indicator of impulsivity, refers to the extent of devaluing future rewards. Studies have found that individuals with trait anxiety generally depreciate the later larger rewards, showing steeper delay discounting rates. However, little is known about the neural substrates responsible for how trait anxiety affects individuals' delay discounting. To address this question, we employed the voxel‐based morphometry (VBM) and resting‐state functional connectivity (RSFC) methods...
Wed Oct 23, 2019 13:34
Issue Information
Sun Oct 20, 2019 19:14
Teaching medicine through film: Wiseman's medical trilogy revisited.
Related ArticlesTeaching medicine through film: Wiseman's medical trilogy revisited. BMC Med Educ. 2019 Oct 22;19(1):387 Authors: Wijdicks EFM Abstract BACKGROUND: Between the late 1960s and early 1980s, Frederick Wiseman filmed hundreds of hours in an emergency department, intensive care unit and asylum. These films recorded events as they happened without rehearsal and narration. MAIN BODY: Cinema and Medicine meet each other in feature fiction...
pubmed: "bmc med educ"[jour]
Thu Oct 24, 2019 13:33
Do poor patients suffer from inaccurate diagnoses more than well-to-do patients? A randomized control trial.
Related ArticlesDo poor patients suffer from inaccurate diagnoses more than well-to-do patients? A randomized control trial. BMC Med Educ. 2019 Oct 22;19(1):386 Authors: Al Alwan I, Magzoub ME, Al Haqwi A, Badri M, Al Yousif SM, Babiker A, Mamede S, Schmidt HG Abstract BACKGROUND: Poor patients have greater morbidity and die up to 10 years earlier than patients who have higher socio-economic status. These findings are often attributed to differences...
pubmed: "bmc med educ"[jour]
Thu Oct 24, 2019 13:33
Burn out among Iranian dental students: psychometric properties of burnout clinical subtype questionnaire (BCSQ-12-SS) and its correlates.
Related ArticlesBurn out among Iranian dental students: psychometric properties of burnout clinical subtype questionnaire (BCSQ-12-SS) and its correlates. BMC Med Educ. 2019 Oct 22;19(1):388 Authors: Mohebbi SZ, Yazdani R, Talebi M, Pakdaman A, Heft MW, Bahramian H Abstract BACKGROUND: Burnout Clinical Subtype Questionnaire (BCSQ-12-SS) is a short valid questionnaire for assessment of burnout in students. The aim of the present study was to evaluate...
pubmed: "bmc med educ"[jour]
Thu Oct 24, 2019 13:33
Image quality to estimate ventricular ejection fraction by last year medical students improves after short courses of training.
Related ArticlesImage quality to estimate ventricular ejection fraction by last year medical students improves after short courses of training. BMC Med Educ. 2019 Oct 22;19(1):385 Authors: Hüppe T, Groesdonk HV, Volk T, Wagenpfeil S, Wallrich B Abstract BACKGROUND: Transthoracic echocardiography is the primary imaging modality for diagnosing cardiac conditions but medical education in this field is limited. We tested the hypothesis that a structured...
pubmed: "bmc med educ"[jour]
Thu Oct 24, 2019 13:33
Hepatic Campylobacter jejuni infection in patients with Castleman‐Kojima disease (idiopathic multicentric Castleman disease with thrombocytopenia, anasarca, fever, reticulin fibrosis, and organomegaly (TAFRO) syndrome)
Castleman‐Kojima disease, also known as idiopathic multicentric Castleman disease with TAFRO syndrome (iMCD‐TAFRO), is a recently recognized systemic inflammatory disorder with a characteristic series of clinical symptoms, including thrombocytopenia (T), anasarca (A), fever (F), reticulin fibrosis (R), and organomegaly (O). Patients with iMCD‐TAFRO often develop severe abdominal pain, elevated alkaline phosphatase levels, and systemic inflammation, but the etiological factors are unknown. To investigate...
Pathology International
Sun Oct 20, 2019 19:03
Pathological analysis of cadavers for educational dissection by using postmortem imaging
This study was performed primarily to clarify whether pathological analysis of cadavers for anatomical dissection is possible using postmortem imaging (PMI), and whether this is worthwhile. A total of 33 cadavers that underwent systematic anatomical dissection at our medical school also underwent PMI. Fixative solution was injected into the corpus 3–4 days after death. PMI was then performed using an 8‐slice multi‐detector CT scanner 3 months before dissection. Before dissection, a conference was...
Pathology International
Sun Oct 20, 2019 19:03
Issue Information
Pathology International
Sun Oct 20, 2019 19:03
Case of dysphagia lusoria in a patient with a non‐recurrent laryngeal nerve
ANZ Journal of Surgery
Thu Oct 24, 2019 12:09
Rare case of wandering spleen causing intra‐thoracic megacolon
ANZ Journal of Surgery
Thu Oct 24, 2019 11:51
Acquired intercostal hernia in a patient with recent pneumonia: surgical management with a thoracoabdominal approach
ANZ Journal of Surgery
Thu Oct 24, 2019 11:51
Fast‐track ambulatory abscess pathway: an Australian streamlined emergency surgery pathway
This is the first Australian study to report the findings from an ambulatory care pathway for an emergency surgical intervention. We have shown that skin abscesses presenting through emergency can be managed as a day‐case procedure, thereby decreasing these patients' overall length and cost of stay. Abstract Background Superficial skin abscesses account for a significant burden of emergency surgical admissions. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of an ambulatory care...
ANZ Journal of Surgery
Wed Oct 23, 2019 19:03
Prediction of protein architectures involved in the signaling-pathway initiating sporulation in Firmicutes
Like many other proteins, those belonging to the signal transduction cascade initiating sporulation (Spo0 pathway) have conserved protein domains (Capra and Laub in Annu Rev Microbiol 66:325–47, 2012). Improvemen...
BMC Research Notes
Wed Oct 23, 2019 03:00
The impact of yoga on teachers’ self-rated emotions
To assess (i) if teachers’ age or gender could predict their baseline levels of mental well-being and anxiety and any change after yoga. (ii) Whether mental well-being or anxiety changed following 15 days of y...
BMC Research Notes
Tue Oct 22, 2019 03:00
Physiological phenotyping of mammalian cell lines by enzymatic activity fingerprinting of key carbohydrate metabolic enzymes: a pilot and feasibility study
Enzymatic fingerprinting of key enzymes of glucose metabolism is a valuable analysis tool in cell physiological phenotyping of plant samples. Yet, a similar approach for mammalian cell line samples is missing....
BMC Research Notes
Tue Oct 22, 2019 03:00
Chromogenic medium versus PCR–RFLP in the speciation of Candida: a comparative study
Candida species is implicated in a wide array of clinical infections. Speciation of Candida strains is of prime importance in the epidemiological survey and laboratory diagnosis as there is an upswing of antifung...
BMC Research Notes
Tue Oct 22, 2019 03:00
The relationship between addiction to mobile phone and sense of loneliness among students of medical sciences in Kermanshah, Iran
Addiction to mobile phone is one of the negative consequences of excessive use of this device. This disorder may also be related to individuals’ loneliness and may reduce or increase the sense of loneliness. T...
BMC Research Notes
Tue Oct 22, 2019 03:00
Opinion: Why institutional review boards should have a role in the open science movement.
Related ArticlesOpinion: Why institutional review boards should have a role in the open science movement. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2019 Oct 22;116(43):21336-21338 Authors: Grant S, Bouskill KE PMID: 31641094 [PubMed - in process]
pubmed: "proc natl acad sci ...
Thu Oct 24, 2019 13:20
Million-fold sensitivity enhancement in proteopathic seed amplification assays for biospecimens by Hofmeister ion comparisons.
Related ArticlesMillion-fold sensitivity enhancement in proteopathic seed amplification assays for biospecimens by Hofmeister ion comparisons. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2019 Oct 22;: Authors: Metrick MA, do Carmo Ferreira N, Saijo E, Hughson AG, Kraus A, Orrú C, Miller MW, Zanusso G, Ghetti B, Vendruscolo M, Caughey B Abstract Recent work with prion diseases and synucleinopathies indicates that accurate diagnostic methods for protein-folding diseases...
pubmed: "proc natl acad sci ...
Thu Oct 24, 2019 13:20
Aged hind-limb clasping experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis models aspects of the neurodegenerative process seen in multiple sclerosis.
Related ArticlesAged hind-limb clasping experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis models aspects of the neurodegenerative process seen in multiple sclerosis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2019 Oct 22;: Authors: Cahill LS, Zhang MA, Ramaglia V, Whetstone H, Sabbagh MP, Yi TJ, Woo L, Przybycien TS, Moshkova M, Zhao FL, Rojas OL, Gomes J, Kuerten S, Gommerman JL, Sled JG, Dunn SE Abstract Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) is the most common model...
pubmed: "proc natl acad sci ...
Thu Oct 24, 2019 13:20
Evolution of superconductivity in K2-xFe4+ySe5: Spectroscopic studies of X-ray absorption and emission.
Related ArticlesEvolution of superconductivity in K2-xFe4+ySe5: Spectroscopic studies of X-ray absorption and emission. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2019 Oct 22;: Authors: Wang HT, Ghosh A, Wang CH, Hsieh SH, Shao YC, Chiou JW, Chen CL, Pao CW, Lee JF, Liu YS, Chuang YD, Guo JH, Wu MK, Pong WF Abstract This study investigates the evolution of superconductivity in K2-xFe4+ySe5 using temperature-dependent X-ray absorption and resonant inelastic X-ray scattering...
pubmed: "proc natl acad sci ...
Thu Oct 24, 2019 13:20
Baseline mucus cytokines predict 22‐item Sino‐Nasal Outcome Test results after endoscopic sinus surgery
Background Mucus cytokines have been linked to baseline metrics of quality of life and olfactory function in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS). However, their potential utility in predicting postoperative outcomes has not been assessed. Therefore, in this study we evaluated the role of mucus cytokines in predicting 22‐item Sino‐Nasal Outcomes Test (SNOT‐22) scores after endoscopic sinus surgery (ESS) in a prospective cohort of CRS patients. Methods One hundred forty‐seven patients...
International Forum of Allergy & Rhinology
Wed Oct 23, 2019 22:00
Worldwide asthma epidemiology: insights from the Global Health Data Exchange database
Background Enhanced focus on primary care provision is essential for lowering the risk of asthma exacerbation and complications, as well as for decreasing asthma‐related hospitalizations and deaths. This article provides an update on current worldwide epidemiology of asthma. Methods Worldwide epidemiologic information on asthma was obtained through electronic searches in the Global Health Data Exchange (GHDx) database. Results In 2017, the incidence of asthma was 43.12 million new cases/year...
International Forum of Allergy & Rhinology
Wed Oct 23, 2019 12:43
Janus Ag/Ag2S beads as efficient photothermal agents for the eradication of inflammation and artery stenosis.
Related ArticlesJanus Ag/Ag2S beads as efficient photothermal agents for the eradication of inflammation and artery stenosis. Nanoscale. 2019 Oct 23;: Authors: Peng X, Liu J, Li B, Guan G, Zhang W, Huang X, Chen Y, Zou R, Lu X, Hu J Abstract Janus heterostructural materials as photothermal agents with enhanced optical conversion capability are promising for artery inflammation treatment by the hyperthermia of macrophages, a primordial part in the artery...
Technologies in Treatment of Head & Neck
Thu Oct 24, 2019 13:13
Evaluation of plan quality improvements in PlanIQ-guided Autoplanning.
Related ArticlesEvaluation of plan quality improvements in PlanIQ-guided Autoplanning. Rep Pract Oncol Radiother. 2019 Nov-Dec;24(6):533-543 Authors: Perumal B, Sundaresan HE, Ranganathan V, Ramar N, Anto GJ, Meher SR Abstract Aim: Philips recently integrated PlanIQ with Autoplan® in Pinnacle3 TPS (V16.2). The objective of the present work is to quantitatively demonstrate how this integration improves the plan quality. Background: Pinnacle3...
Technologies in Treatment of Head & Neck
Thu Oct 24, 2019 13:13
Probiotics for the airways: Potential to improve epithelial and immune homeostasis.
Related ArticlesProbiotics for the airways: Potential to improve epithelial and immune homeostasis. Allergy. 2018 10;73(10):1954-1963 Authors: Martens K, Pugin B, De Boeck I, Spacova I, Steelant B, Seys SF, Lebeer S, Hellings PW Abstract Probiotics are live microorganisms that, when administered in adequate amounts, confer health benefit on the host. The therapeutic effects of probiotics have been mostly studied in the gastrointestinal tract, but recent...
Technologies in Treatment of Head & Neck
Thu Oct 24, 2019 13:13
Antimicrobial photodynamic inactivation is potentiated by the addition of selenocyanate: Possible involvement of selenocyanogen?
Related ArticlesAntimicrobial photodynamic inactivation is potentiated by the addition of selenocyanate: Possible involvement of selenocyanogen? J Biophotonics. 2018 08;11(8):e201800029 Authors: Huang L, Xuan W, Zadlo A, Kozinska A, Sarna T, Hamblin MR Abstract We previously showed that antimicrobial photodynamic inactivation (aPDI) of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria mediated by the phenothiazinium dye, methylene blue (MB), was potentiated...
Technologies in Treatment of Head & Neck
Thu Oct 24, 2019 13:13

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