Πέμπτη 24 Οκτωβρίου 2019

A Phase II Randomized Controlled Trial of Renshen Yangrong Tang Herbal Extract Granules for Fatigue Reduction in Cancer Survivors
Based on the traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) theory, Renshen Yangrong Tang (RSYRT), which mixed with 12 herbs, commonly used as a pharmacological option in China for fatigue management by correcting Qi deficiency. This randomized controlled phase II trial investigated the efficacy of RSYRT for reducing cancer-related fatigue.
Journal of Pain and Symptom Management
Availability of Morphine oral solution for childhood cancer patients in low income countries: compounding and stability study in a Cote d’Ivoire University Teaching Hospital
Cancer is an important cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. In Africa, studies focusing on childhood cancer showed a constant increase in the annual number of new cases and a very low overall survival rate (1). Cancer treatment is often associated with pain management. The World Health Organization's (WHO) guidelines recommend oral morphine (hydrochloride or sulfate) for severe chronic pain treatment in children. A previous work evidenced the good feasibility of oral morphine solution in Uganda...
Journal of Pain and Symptom Management
Non-physiologic Bioreactor Processing Conditions for Heart Valve Tissue Engineering
Abstract Purpose Conventional methods of seeding decellularized heart valves for heart valve tissue engineering have led to inconsistent results in interstitial cellular repopulation, particularly of the distal valve leaflet, and notably distinct from documented re-endothelialization. The use of bioreactor conditioning mimicking physiologic parameters has been well explored but cellular infiltration remains challenging. Non-characteristic,...
Latest Results for Cardiovascular Engineering and Technology
Noted researcher to lecture on craniofacial defects
Dr. Rena D’Souza, past president of the American Association for Dental Research, will lecture on “A Novel Paradigm for the Reversal of Craniofacial Defects” on Oct. 31 from 12:30 to 1:20 p.m. in Room T-625 of the Health Sciences Center. The post Noted researcher to lecture on craniofacial defects appeared first on UW School of Dentistry.
UW School of Dentistry
A new manifestation of Job’s syndrome in the orofacial region
Job’s syndrome is a rare immunological disorder that displays characteristic dentofacial features. We present an unusual finding of a post-traumatic upper lip abscess that was promptly managed by drainage and antimicrobial drugs.
British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Impact of marginalization on tobacco use in individuals diagnosed with head and neck Cancer
Considerable evidence now indicates that individuals living in underprivileged neighbourhoods have higher rates of mortality and morbidity independent of individual-level characteristics. This study explored t...
Most Recent Articles: Journal of Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery
Impact of marginalization on tobacco use in individuals diagnosed with head and neck Cancer
Considerable evidence now indicates that individuals living in underprivileged neighbourhoods have higher rates of mortality and morbidity independent of individual-level characteristics. This study explored t...
Journal of Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery - Latest Articles
Peekay International Inc., Expands the Recall For Underclared Sulfites In "Swan Dried Apricot" And "Keshav Dry Apricot"
Peekay International Inc. 56 12 56th Street, Maspeth, NY is recalling its 7 ounce and 14 ounce packages of "SWAN DRY APRICOT" and "KESHAV DRY APRICOT" food treats because they contained undeclared sulfites. Consumers who have severe sensitivity to sulfites run the risk of serious or life-threatening
Food Safety
Endoscopic surgical approach to laryngoceles and saccular cysts
Publication date: Available online 24 October 2019Source: Operative Techniques in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryAuthor(s): Guy SlonimskyLaryngeal saccular disorders are rare lesions presenting as abnormal saccular dilation, either mainly filled with air (laryngoceles) or fluid (saccular cysts). These are further categorized as internal when confined in the endolarynx, external, or combined. In adults, saccular disorders are mostly idiopathic with various reported proportion associated with...
Operative Techniques in Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery via MedWorm.com
Robotics in laryngeal surgery
In conclusion, TORS can be a valuable tool in surgery for adult benign laryngeal masses. (Source: Operative Techniques in Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery)
Operative Techniques in Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery via MedWorm.com
Open surgical approach to laryngoceles and saccular cysts
Publication date: Available online 24 October 2019Source: Operative Techniques in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck SurgeryAuthor(s): Guy SlonimskySaccular disorders extending beyond the thyrohyoid membrane are classified as external, or combined, based on to their extension beyond the thyrohyoid membrane and the proportion of the external to the internal component. The workup is the same as for internal saccular disorders and airway safety is of utmost importance. The open/transcervical approach is currently...
Operative Techniques in Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery via MedWorm.com
Diagnostic Accuracy Of Fecal Occult Blood Tests For Detecting Proximal Versus Distal Colorectal Neoplasia: A Systematic Review And Meta-Analysis
Clinical Epidemiology
Peekay International Inc., Expands the Recall For Underclared Sulfites In “Swan Dried Apricot” And “Keshav Dry Apricot”
Peekay International Inc. 56 12 56th Street, Maspeth, NY is recalling its 7 ounce and 14 ounce packages of “SWAN DRY APRICOT” and “KESHAV DRY APRICOT” food treats because they contained undeclared sulfites. Consumers who have severe sensitivity to sulfites run the risk of serious or life-threatening
FDA Food Safety RSS Feed
Peekay International Inc. Issues Alert on Undeclared Sulfites in “KESHAV Dry Apricot”
Peekay International Inc. 56 12 56th Street, Maspeth, NY is recalling its 7 ounce and 14 ounce packages of “KESHAV Dry Apricot” food treats because they contained undeclared sulfites.
FDA Food Safety RSS Feed
Peekay International Inc., Expands the Recall For Underclared Sulfites In “Swan Dried Apricot” And “Keshav Dry Apricot”
Peekay International Inc. 56 12 56th Street, Maspeth, NY is recalling its 7 ounce and 14 ounce packages of “SWAN DRY APRICOT” and “KESHAV DRY APRICOT” food treats because they contained undeclared sulfites. Consumers who have severe sensitivity to sulfites run the risk of serious or life-threatening
Food and Drug Administration--Recalls/Safety Alerts
Quais são as marcas de cordas de escalada ecologicamente corretas?
Desde o início de 2019, vários veículos de comunicação que exploram o mercado outdoor tem feito uma pergunta incômoda para O post Quais são as marcas de cordas de escalada ecologicamente corretas? apareceu primeiro em Revista Blog de Escalada.
Revista Blog de Escalada
Tommy Caldwell e Kevin Jorgeson trabalham linha que seria um “Dawn Wall” mais fácil
Os escaladores norte-americanos Tommy Caldwell, Alex Honnold e Kevin Jorgeson anunciaram que estão trabalhando em uma linha que seria uma O post Tommy Caldwell e Kevin Jorgeson trabalham linha que seria um “Dawn Wall” mais fácil apareceu primeiro em Revista Blog de Escalada.
Revista Blog de Escalada
Tongariro Alpine Crossing: O trekking pelas paisagens do filme “Senhor dos Anéis”
Com grande impacto cultural, a trilogia “Senhor dos Anéis” (“A Sociedade do Anel”, “As Duas Torres” e “O Retorno do O post Tongariro Alpine Crossing: O trekking pelas paisagens do filme “Senhor dos Anéis” apareceu primeiro em Revista Blog de Escalada.
Revista Blog de Escalada
Saiba quais são os segredos dos fogareiros que todo praticante de trekking deveria saber
Como explicado extensivamente aqui na Revista Blog de Escalada, para fazer trilhas, foi estabelecido e seguido fielmente por todos os O post Saiba quais são os segredos dos fogareiros que todo praticante de trekking deveria saber apareceu primeiro em Revista Blog de Escalada.
Revista Blog de Escalada
B9Creations releases medical 3D printer, establishes new Healthcare Division & Service Bureau
B9Creations, the South Dakota-based manufacturer of the B9 Core Series of DLP 3D Printers, has launched a new additive manufacturing Healthcare Division & Service Bureau as well as a 3D printer targeted at the medical industry. The B9 Core Med 500, released with the first two of the company’s suite of biocompatible materials, will support […]
3D Printing Industry » Medical & Dental
3D Systems and Antleron enter 3D bioprinting partnership
Leading 3D printer OEM 3D Systems has announced a partnership with Antleron, a Belgium-based biotechnology company, to develop regenerative products for personalized patient care. “The vision of Antleron is to sustainably bring living therapies into the clinic,” said Jan Schrooten, CEO of Antleron. “3D printing is key to this endeavor, and we are eager to collaborate with […]
3D Printing Industry » Medical & Dental
Quantitative Ultrasound Detects Smooth Muscle Activity at the Cervical Internal Os <em>in Vitro</em>
Publication date: Available online 24 October 2019Source: Ultrasound in Medicine & BiologyAuthor(s): Andrew P. Santoso, Joy Y. Vink, George Gallos, Helen Feltovich, Timothy J. HallAbstractThe cervix has two biomechanical functions: to remain closed while the fetus develops throughout pregnancy, and to open for delivery of the fetus at full term. This dual function is principally attributed to collagen within the extracellular matrix (ECM). However, recent evidence suggests that other ECM, and...
ScienceDirect Publication: Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology
Simple and Robust Intravital Microscopy Procedures in Hybrid TIE2GFP-BALB/c Transgenic Mice
Abstract Purpose The endeavor of deciphering intricate phenomena within the field of molecular medicine dictates the necessity to investigate tumor/disease microenvironment real-time on cellular level. We, hereby, design simple and robust intravital microscopy strategies, which can be used to elucidate cellular or molecular interactions in a fluorescent mouse model. Procedures...
Latest Results for Molecular Imaging and Biology
PET Imaging of Vesicular Monoamine Transporter 2 in Early Diabetic Retinopathy Using [ 18 F]FP-(+)-DTBZ
Abstract Purpose Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is characterized by dopaminergic neuron loss in the retina of the eyes. [18F]fluoropropyl-(+)-dihydrotetrabenazine ([18F]FP-(+)-DTBZ) positron emission tomography (PET) has been shown to detect dopaminergic neuron loss. The study is to investigate the feasibility of PET imaging with [18F]FP-(+)-DTBZ for early diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy (DR) in diabetes mellitus (DM) rat models. ...
Latest Results for Molecular Imaging and Biology
Cura 4.3.0 does not pause on Renkforce RF100 V2.2
Cura (version 4.3.0) has the ability to insert a post processing script to your print. I tried this for printing a key cover around my door key. I designed the stl file with Fusion 360 (version 2.0.6516) and verified that the height of the beginning of the top layers is exactly at 3.1mm. The top layer itself has a heigth of 0.5mm. In Cura I inserted a pause at height 3.1mm. I tried different post processing scripts: Pause at height Pause at height (BG printers) Pause at height for repetier...
Recent Questions - 3D Printing Stack Exchange
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Recent Questions - 3D Printing Stack Exchange
Understanding childhood obesity in the US: the NIH environmental influences on child health outcomes (ECHO) program
International Journal of Obesity, Published online: 24 October 2019; doi:10.1038/s41366-019-0470-5Understanding childhood obesity in the US: the NIH environmental influences on child health outcomes (ECHO) program
International Journal of Obesity - Issue - nature.com science feeds
Understanding childhood obesity in the US: the NIH environmental influences on child health outcomes (ECHO) program
International Journal of Obesity - Issue - nature.com science feeds
Enhanced glacial discharge from the eastern Antarctic Peninsula since the 1700s associated with a positive Southern Annular Mode
Earth and environmental sciences : nature.com subject feeds
Fungal-bacterial diversity and microbiome complexity predict ecosystem functioning
Earth and environmental sciences : nature.com subject feeds
Climate-induced phenology shifts linked to range expansions in species with multiple reproductive cycles per year
Earth and environmental sciences : nature.com subject feeds
Predicting low-concentration effects of pesticides
Earth and environmental sciences : nature.com subject feeds
Occurence of microplastics in the hyporheic zone of rivers
Earth and environmental sciences : nature.com subject feeds
The Evolutionary Radiation of Hominids: a Phylogenetic Comparative Study
Earth and environmental sciences : nature.com subject feeds
The extent, frequency and ecological functions of food wasting by parrots
Earth and environmental sciences : nature.com subject feeds
Longitudinal ridges imparted by high-speed granular flow mechanisms in martian landslides
Earth and environmental sciences : nature.com subject feeds
Fouling-resistant biofilter of an anaerobic electrochemical membrane reactor
Earth and environmental sciences : nature.com subject feeds
Accelerating river blindness elimination by supplementing MDA with a vegetation “slash and clear” vector control strategy: a data-driven modeling analysis
Earth and environmental sciences : nature.com subject feeds

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