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Σάββατο 5 Οκτωβρίου 2019

Pediatric ganglioglioma of the brainstem and cervicomedullary junction: a retrospective cohort study.
Related ArticlesPediatric ganglioglioma of the brainstem and cervicomedullary junction: a retrospective cohort study. J Neurosurg Pediatr. 2019 Oct 04;:1-7 Authors: Oushy S, Perry A, Graffeo CS, Raghunathan A, Carlstrom LP, Daniels DJ Abstract OBJECTIVE: Ganglioglioma is a low-grade central nervous system neoplasm with a pediatric predominance, accounting for 10% of all brain tumors in children. Gangliogliomas of the cervicomedullary junction (GGCMJs)...
!@ Rare Cancers
Primary Ovarian High-grade Neuroendocrine Carcinoma With Merkel Cell-like Immunophenotype Arising in a Teratoma.
Related ArticlesPrimary Ovarian High-grade Neuroendocrine Carcinoma With Merkel Cell-like Immunophenotype Arising in a Teratoma. Int J Gynecol Pathol. 2019 Oct 03;: Authors: Harkness R, Kelly PJ, McCluggage WG Abstract Ovarian high-grade neuroendocrine carcinomas (NECs) (small cell and large cell NEC) are rare neoplasms. They may arise in association with other ovarian tumors, most commonly epithelial neoplasms and rarely teratomas. We report a case...
!@ Rare Cancers
A Rare Case of Primary Pulmonary Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma.
Related ArticlesA Rare Case of Primary Pulmonary Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma. Eur J Case Rep Intern Med. 2019;6(9):001249 Authors: Carvalho J, Marques DP, Oliveira I, Claudino C Abstract Non-Hodgkin lymphomas are rare causes of primary lung neoplasms and most are B-cell in origin. Anaplastic large cell lymphoma is an exceedingly rare type of primary pulmonary lymphoma, with an aggressive clinical course. We present the case of an 85-year old male...
!@ Rare Cancers
Radiographic manifestations of fibroblastic osteosarcoma: A diagnostic challenge.
Related ArticlesRadiographic manifestations of fibroblastic osteosarcoma: A diagnostic challenge. Imaging Sci Dent. 2019 Sep;49(3):235-240 Authors: Tahmasbi-Arashlow M, Barnts KL, Nair MK, Cheng YL, Reddy LV Abstract Osteosarcoma is the most common primary bone tumor after plasma cell neoplasms. Osteosarcoma has diverse histological features and is characterized by the presence of malignant spindle cells and pluripotent neoplastic mesenchymal cells that...
!@ Rare Cancers
A Rare Occurrence of Three Primary Malignancies of the Rectum, Breast, and Kidney in the Same Patient: A Case Report and Review of the Literature.
Related ArticlesA Rare Occurrence of Three Primary Malignancies of the Rectum, Breast, and Kidney in the Same Patient: A Case Report and Review of the Literature. Case Rep Surg. 2019;2019:1716029 Authors: Jayarajah U, Basnayake O, Wijerathne P, Jayasinghe J, Samarasekera DN, Seneviratne S Abstract An increasing number of patients with multiple primary cancers are encountered due to improved cancer detection, widespread cancer screening, and better cancer...
!@ Rare Cancers
Primary Stromal Breast Sarcoma with Concomitant Contralateral Carcinoma: A Rare Case from Syria.
Related ArticlesPrimary Stromal Breast Sarcoma with Concomitant Contralateral Carcinoma: A Rare Case from Syria. Case Rep Oncol Med. 2019;2019:6460847 Authors: Al Khudari R, Homsi M, Al Zohaily H, Saifo MS Abstract Bilateral breast cancers are rare cases encountered and are usually the same type in both sides. Only very few cases were reported to have different histological types of neoplasia involving sarcoma. Moreover, sarcomas rarely originate from...
!@ Rare Cancers
Nodal Merkel Cell Carcinoma in Head and Neck Lesions with an Unknown Primary: A Case Report in Light of the Literature.
Related ArticlesNodal Merkel Cell Carcinoma in Head and Neck Lesions with an Unknown Primary: A Case Report in Light of the Literature. Yonago Acta Med. 2019 Sep;62(3):258-262 Authors: Ikeda R, Ohta N, Fukaya S, Shoji F, Suzuki T, Noguchi N, Kakuta R, Hayashi K, Kiba T, Murakami K, Nakamura Y Abstract Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) is a rare but aggressive neuroendocrine skin cancer. To diagnose nodal MCC with an unknown primary disease is challenging,...
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First Report of Retroperitoneal Mucinous Cystadenoma in a Patient with Hirsutism.
Related ArticlesFirst Report of Retroperitoneal Mucinous Cystadenoma in a Patient with Hirsutism. Clin Med Res. 2019 Oct 03;: Authors: Danen C, Leschke T, Bassi D, Sharma R Abstract Primary retroperitoneal mucinous cystadenomas (PRMC) are rare benign neoplasms with only 55 documented cases in the English literature so far. A 19-year-old female exhibited hirsutism and was found to have a cystic mass measuring 5.8 cm × 3.9 cm × 5.8 cm in the left retroperitoneum....
!@ Rare Cancers
[Creation, implementation and objectives of CARADERM, a national network for rare skin carcinomas - Adnexal neoplasm part].
Related Articles[Creation, implementation and objectives of CARADERM, a national network for rare skin carcinomas - Adnexal neoplasm part]. Ann Dermatol Venereol. 2019 Sep 30;: Authors: Seris A, Battistella M, Beylot-Barry M, Dalle S, Mortier L, Lebbé C, Blom A, Neidhart-Berard EM, Kramkimel N, Dupuy A, Zehou O, Dalac S, Jullie ML, Cribier B, Jouary T, Pour CARADERM, réseau de cancers rares dermatologiques (www.caraderm.org), le Groupe de cancérologie cutanée de la Société...
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Metachronous Second Primary Malignancies in Known Breast Cancer Patients on 18F-Fluoro-2-Deoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography-Computerized Tomography in a Tertiary Care Center.
Related ArticlesMetachronous Second Primary Malignancies in Known Breast Cancer Patients on 18F-Fluoro-2-Deoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography-Computerized Tomography in a Tertiary Care Center. Indian J Nucl Med. 2019 Oct-Dec;34(4):284-289 Authors: Manthri RG, Jeepalem SM, Krishna Mohan VS, Bhargavi D, Hulikal N, Kalawat T Abstract Introduction: Breast cancer is the most common malignancy among women all over the world, which accounts to 25% of all...
!@ Rare Cancers
Fri Oct 04, 2019 14:08
Utility of Trucut Biopsy in Diagnosing Phyllodes Tumor.
Related ArticlesUtility of Trucut Biopsy in Diagnosing Phyllodes Tumor. J Midlife Health. 2019 Jul-Sep;10(3):135-140 Authors: Chaudhary D, Singh V, Mallya V, Mandal S, Khurana N, Singh R Abstract Breast phyllodes are rare fibroepithelial neoplasms. Various classifications adopted to grade them into benign, borderline and malignant but the presently used one is the WHO classification of 2012. Trucut biopsy is a sensitive prediagnostic tool to grade phyllodes....
!@ Rare Cancers
Fri Oct 04, 2019 14:08
Rare but heard: using asynchronous virtual focus groups, interviews and roundtable discussions to create a personalised psychological intervention for primary sclerosing cholangitis: a protocol.
Related ArticlesRare but heard: using asynchronous virtual focus groups, interviews and roundtable discussions to create a personalised psychological intervention for primary sclerosing cholangitis: a protocol. BMJ Open. 2019 Oct 02;9(10):e031417 Authors: Ranieri V, Kennedy E, Walmsley M, Thorburn D, McKay K Abstract INTRODUCTION: Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) is a rare and chronic disease characterised by inflammation and fibrosis of the liver's...
!@ Rare Cancers
Fri Oct 04, 2019 13:08

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