Τετάρτη 23 Οκτωβρίου 2019

Publication date: 15 November 2019Source: International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics, Volume 105, Issue 4Author(s):
Radiation Molecular Biology.
Early ototoxicity in children after craniospinal irradiation using pencil beam proton therapy
Publication date: 15 November 2019Source: International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics, Volume 105, Issue 4Author(s): R. Frakulli, S. Nagaraja, T. Steinmeier, V. Ashykhmina, P.H. Kramer, C. Blase, S. Tippelt, D. Geismar, B. Timmermann
Radiation Molecular Biology.
Irradiation in deep inspiration breath hold using PBS in paediatric patients – first experiences
Publication date: 15 November 2019Source: International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics, Volume 105, Issue 4Author(s): B. Ondrova, M. Andrlik, V. Vondracek, S. Zapletalova, J. Kubes
Radiation Molecular Biology.
The regression patterns of pediatric optic pathway glioma after Proton Beam Therapy
Publication date: 15 November 2019Source: International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics, Volume 105, Issue 4Author(s): H. Kim, T. Kim, J. Jung, H. Kim, J. Kim
Radiation Molecular Biology.
Application of Exactrac X-ray image guide system in stereotactic radiosurgery for intracranial neural tumors in patients aged 3-14 years
Publication date: 15 November 2019Source: International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics, Volume 105, Issue 4Author(s): Q. Xiao, Q.M. Zhou, R.S. Luo, P. Zhang, L.C. Wang, M.Y. Lai, L.B. Cai, Z. Zhou
Radiation Molecular Biology.
Disease Control and Patterns of Failure following Proton Beam Therapy for Rhabdomyosarcoma
Publication date: 15 November 2019Source: International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics, Volume 105, Issue 4Author(s): E. Ludmir, S. Buszek, D. Grosshans, M.F. Mcaleer, S. Mcgovern, D. Harrison, M.F. Okcu, M. Chintagumpala, A. Mahajan, A. Paulino
Radiation Molecular Biology.
Institutional experience of re-RT in Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma
Publication date: 15 November 2019Source: International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics, Volume 105, Issue 4Author(s): R. Krishnatry, J. Manjali, J.G. Sastri, T. Gupta
Radiation Molecular Biology.
Cognitive functions before radiotherapy in pediatric patients with brain tumors
Publication date: 15 November 2019Source: International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics, Volume 105, Issue 4Author(s): J. Li, C. Zhou, M. Lai, Q. Hu, X. Zhang, J. He, Y. Zhang, L. Cai, Z. Zhou
Radiation Molecular Biology.
Modeling Early Dose-Effect Bone Changes in Children Irradiated for Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma of the Orbit
Publication date: 15 November 2019Source: International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics, Volume 105, Issue 4Author(s): M. Hol, D. Indelicato, R. Rotondo, R. Mailhot, H. Uezono, J. Bradley
Radiation Molecular Biology.
Facial deformations in patients treated for head and neck rhabdomyosarcoma, the difference between treatment modalities and a dose-effect relation for specific facial bones
Publication date: 15 November 2019Source: International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics, Volume 105, Issue 4Author(s): M. Hol, M. Suttie, P. Hammond, O. Slater, H. Mandeville, M. Gaze, J. Chisholm, B. Pieters, H. Pazira, J. Wiersma, H. Merks, R. Davila, A. Becking, L. Smeele
Radiation Molecular Biology.
Towards a Consensus on Normal Tissues of Interest for the Paediatric Radiotherapy Population
Publication date: 15 November 2019Source: International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics, Volume 105, Issue 4Author(s): S. Kelly, E. Clementel, M. Gaze, G. Royle, T. Boterberg
Radiation Molecular Biology.
Timing of Local Therapy Affects Survival in Ewing Sarcoma
Publication date: 15 November 2019Source: International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics, Volume 105, Issue 4Author(s): T. Lin, E. Ludmir, K.P. Liao, M.F. Mcaleer, D. Grosshans, S. Mcgovern, A. Bishop, K. Woodhouse, A. Paulino, D.N. Yeboa
Radiation Molecular Biology.
An European survey to evaluate clinical practice of image-guided radiation therapy in children - On behalf of the participating members of the Pediatric Radiation Oncology Society and our projectbased consortium
Publication date: 15 November 2019Source: International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics, Volume 105, Issue 4Author(s): I. Van Dijk, C. Windmeijer, R. De Jong, B. Balgobind, A. Bel
Radiation Molecular Biology.
Optimization of intracranial germinoma treatment: A single institution experience with 213 patients supports radiotherapy alone with reduced volume and dose
Publication date: 15 November 2019Source: International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics, Volume 105, Issue 4Author(s): H.K. Byun, H.I. Yoon, J. Cho, D.S. Kim, K.W. Shim, J.W. Han, C.J. Lyu, C.O. Suh
Radiation Molecular Biology.
Optimizing Immobilization and IGRT schedule for decreasing PTV margins for supine Cranio-spinal irradiation
Publication date: 15 November 2019Source: International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics, Volume 105, Issue 4Author(s): R. Krishnatry, S. Gudi, S. Sawant, J.G. Sastri, T. Gupta
Radiation Molecular Biology.
The Value of High-Dose Radiotherapy in Pediatric Intracranial Ependymoma
Publication date: 15 November 2019Source: International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics, Volume 105, Issue 4Author(s): B. Bryan, M. Christensen, L. Burt, M. Poppe
Radiation Molecular Biology.
Pleuropulmonary Blastoma - A retrospective single institute experience of a rare malignancy
Publication date: 15 November 2019Source: International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics, Volume 105, Issue 4Author(s): N. Khanna, J. Bhatia, M. Prasad, G. Chinnaswamy, T. Vora, M. Ramadwar, B. Rekhi, S. Qureshi, S. Kembhavi, S. Shah, S. Laskar
Radiation Molecular Biology.
Treatment Outcomes Following 45 GyRBE to a Post-Induction Target Volume in Children with Group III Orbital Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma
Publication date: 15 November 2019Source: International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics, Volume 105, Issue 4Author(s): D. Indelicato, R. Rotondo, R. Mailhot, H. Uezono, S. Bradfield, V. Agarwal, M. Hol, J. Bradley
Radiation Molecular Biology.
Radiotherapy in the management of children with gliomatosis cerebri in France
Publication date: 15 November 2019Source: International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics, Volume 105, Issue 4Author(s): V. Martin, J. Grill, L. Claude, C. Demoor-Goldschmidt, A. Ducassou, A. Huchet, A. Jouin, S. Supiot, C. Vigneron, C. Chappé, S. Bolle
Radiation Molecular Biology.
Erratum to: Sloan JA, Halyard M, El Naqa I, Mayo C. Lessons From Large-Scale Collection of Patient-Reported Outcomes: Implications for Big Data Aggregation and Analytics. <em>Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys</em> 2016;95:922-929.
Publication date: 15 November 2019Source: International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics, Volume 105, Issue 4Author(s):
Radiation Molecular Biology.
Statement From the Editors
Publication date: 15 November 2019Source: International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics, Volume 105, Issue 4Author(s): Anthony L. Zietman, Sue S. Yom
Radiation Molecular Biology.
In Reply to Trombetta
Publication date: 15 November 2019Source: International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics, Volume 105, Issue 4Author(s): Corey C. Foster, Yasmin Hasan, Christina H. Son, Anne R. McCall
Radiation Molecular Biology.
In Regard to Foster et al
Publication date: 15 November 2019Source: International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics, Volume 105, Issue 4Author(s): Mark Trombetta
Radiation Molecular Biology.
In Regard to Minniti et al
Publication date: 15 November 2019Source: International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics, Volume 105, Issue 4Author(s): Shearwood McClelland, Gordon A. Watson
Radiation Molecular Biology.
The Pediatric Radiation Oncology Society Working Group on Low- and Middle-Income Countries (PROS-LMIC) Strategic Plan to Advance Care, Education, and Research
Publication date: 15 November 2019Source: International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics, Volume 105, Issue 4Author(s): C.B. Hess, J. Parkes, B.M. Qureshi, M. Ghalibafian, A.N. Abbasi, Y. Anacak, S.M. Hiniker, K.I. Hopkins
Radiation Molecular Biology.
Hypofractionation in Prostate Cancer Using Proton Beam
Publication date: 15 November 2019Source: International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics, Volume 105, Issue 4Author(s): Thomas J. Quinn, Daniel Hamstra
Radiation Molecular Biology.
The Red Journal's Top Downloads of 2018
Publication date: 15 November 2019Source: International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics, Volume 105, Issue 4Author(s): Anthony L. Zietman
Radiation Molecular Biology.
Save the Surgery for Salvage
Publication date: 15 November 2019Source: International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics, Volume 105, Issue 4Author(s): Emi J. Yoshida
Radiation Molecular Biology.
IMRT all the way
Publication date: 15 November 2019Source: International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics, Volume 105, Issue 4Author(s): Ann H. Klopp, Patricia J. Eifel
Radiation Molecular Biology.
Clear Cell, Obscure Origins
Publication date: 15 November 2019Source: International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics, Volume 105, Issue 4Author(s): Catheryn M. Yashar
Radiation Molecular Biology.
Clear Cell Conundrum
Publication date: 15 November 2019Source: International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics, Volume 105, Issue 4Author(s): Samuel R. Schroeder, Kevin Albuquerque
Radiation Molecular Biology.
Management of Unruptured AVMs: The Pendulum Swings
Publication date: 15 November 2019Source: International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics, Volume 105, Issue 4Author(s): Michael D. Chan, Scott G. Soltys, Lia M. Halasz, Nadia N. Laack, Giuseppe Minniti, John P. Kirkpatrick
Radiation Molecular Biology.
Issue Highlights
Publication date: 15 November 2019Source: International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics, Volume 105, Issue 4Author(s):
Radiation Molecular Biology.
Risk Factors of Small Final Height in Survivors of Childhood Cancer, Importance of the Irradiation Dose at the Hypophysis Gland
Publication date: 15 November 2019Source: International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics, Volume 105, Issue 4Author(s): C. Demoor-Goldschmidt, R. Allodji, N. Journy, C. Rubino, W. Zrafi, C. Veres, I. Diallo, C. Thomas-Teinturier, S. Bolle, D. Berchery, N. Haddy, H. Pacquement, B. Fresneau, F. De Vathaire
Radiation Molecular Biology.
Evolving alongside other bacteria keeps hospital bug potent
Bacteria that evolve in natural environments -- rather than laboratory tests -- may become resistant to phage treatments without losing their virulence, new research shows.
Evolutionary Biology News -- ScienceDaily
Wed Oct 23, 2019 20:22
New data on the evolution of plants and origin of species
There are over 500,000 plant species in the world today. They all evolved from a common ancestor. How this leap in biodiversity happened is still unclear. Researchers now present the results of a unique project on the evolution of plants. Using genetic data from 1,147 species the team created the most comprehensive evolutionary tree for green plants to date.
Evolutionary Biology News -- ScienceDaily
Wed Oct 23, 2019 20:22
Bacterial lifestyle alters the evolution of antibiotic resistance
How bacteria live - whether as independent cells or in a communal biofilm - determines the course of their evolution, with implications for drug-resistant infections.
Evolutionary Biology News -- ScienceDaily
Wed Oct 23, 2019 14:51
Effect of third molars in the line of mandibular angle fractures on postoperative complications: systematic review and meta-analysis
The aim of this systematic review was to verify whether the presence of a lower third molar in the mandibular angle fracture line is associated with postoperative complications. An electronic survey was conducted in five databases. Eligibility criteria included observational and experimental studies that evaluated the association between the presence of the lower third molar in the fracture line of mandibular angle fractures and possible postoperative complications, including infection, paresthesia,...
Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
Wed Oct 23, 2019 03:00

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