Τετάρτη 23 Οκτωβρίου 2019

Investigation of spectral and kinetic properties of polymer films based on some analogs of bacteriorhodopsin
Abstract We investigated the characteristics of modified forms of bacteriorhodopsin in which the native retinal chromophore is replaced by a chemical analog (“bacteriorhodopsin analogs”), embedded in a polymer film. We found they displayed differential absorption spectra and kinetic curves for the most long-lived intermediates of the BR photocycle. We also studied the influence of chemical reagents on the functioning of bacteriorhodopsin analogs in polymeric films. We found that...
Latest Results for European Biophysics Journal
Wed Oct 23, 2019 03:00
Neural Dynamics Indicate Parallel Integration of Environmental and Self-Motion Information by Place and Grid Cells.
Related ArticlesNeural Dynamics Indicate Parallel Integration of Environmental and Self-Motion Information by Place and Grid Cells. Front Neural Circuits. 2019;13:59 Authors: Laptev D, Burgess N Abstract Place cells and grid cells in the hippocampal formation are thought to integrate sensory and self-motion information into a representation of estimated spatial location, but the precise mechanism is unknown. We simulated a parallel attractor system in...
Wed Oct 23, 2019 13:59
Altered dendritic spine function and integration in a mouse model of fragile X syndrome
Nature Communications, Published online: 23 October 2019; doi:10.1038/s41467-019-11891-6Fragile X syndrome and autism spectrum disorders are associated with circuit hyperexcitability, however, its cellular and synaptic bases are not well understood. Here, the authors report abnormal synaptogenesis with an increased prevalence of polysynaptic spines with normal morphology in a mouse model of fragile X.
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
Wed Oct 23, 2019 03:00
Deciphering nanoconfinement effects on molecular orientation and reaction intermediate by single molecule imaging
Nature Communications, Published online: 23 October 2019; doi:10.1038/s41467-019-12799-xNanoconfinement effects on changing molecular transport and reaction kinetics in heterogeneous catalysis have been widely recognized. Here, the authors design a core-shell nanocatalyst with aligned linear nanopores to uncover nanoconfinement effects on catalytic activity and adsorption strength by single molecule imaging.
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
Wed Oct 23, 2019 03:00
Tetraploidy causes chromosomal instability in acentriolar mouse embryos
Nature Communications, Published online: 23 October 2019; doi:10.1038/s41467-019-12772-8During cell division, tetraploidy can drive chromosomal instability (CIN) via supernumerary centrosomes, but it is unclear if this is the only route to CIN. Here the authors show that, in early mouse embryos, tetraploidy can drive chromosomal instability by altering microtubule dynamics and attachment.
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
Wed Oct 23, 2019 03:00
Ballistic transport and boundary resistances in inhomogeneous quantum spin chains
Nature Communications, Published online: 23 October 2019; doi:10.1038/s41467-019-12784-4There are a number of non-trivial integrable models in one-dimension, making them an attractive starting point for studying quantum dynamics. Biella et al. study transport between two semi-infinite solvable models and show that a slowly-relaxing region forms around the integrability-breaking junction.
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
Wed Oct 23, 2019 03:00
Concerted dynamics of metallo-base pairs in an A/B-form helical transition
Nature Communications, Published online: 23 October 2019; doi:10.1038/s41467-019-12440-xMetal-mediated base pairs expand the repertoire of nucleic acid structures and dynamics. Here, the authors prepared a metallo-DNA duplex including two C-Hg(II)-T base pairs separated by six normal Watson-Crick base pairs and investigated its solution structure and dynamics using NMR spectroscopy.
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
Wed Oct 23, 2019 03:00
Modeling and simulation of complex dynamic musculoskeletal architectures
Nature Communications, Published online: 23 October 2019; doi:10.1038/s41467-019-12759-5Natural creatures, from fish to snake and birds, combine neural control, sensory feedback and compliant mechanics to operate across uncertain environments. Here the authors present a versatile modeling approach to the dynamic simulation of their architectures based on the assembly of Cosserat rods.
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
Wed Oct 23, 2019 03:00
Single- and multi-component chiral supraparticles as modular enantioselective catalysts
Nature Communications, Published online: 23 October 2019; doi:10.1038/s41467-019-12134-4Nanoscale biological assemblies play crucial roles in all living systems and display a variety of chemical functionalities. Here the authors show that it is possible to replicate some of the biochemical functions in similarly-sized assemblies made from inorganic nanoparticles.
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
Wed Oct 23, 2019 03:00
Self-assembling peptides imaged by correlated liquid cell transmission electron microscopy and MALDI-imaging mass spectrometry
Nature Communications, Published online: 23 October 2019; doi:10.1038/s41467-019-12660-1Peptide self-assembly into fibres is prevalent in nature in normal tissue and in degenerative diseases. Here, the authors report on the coupling of liquid cell TEM with MALDI-imaging mass spectrometry to study processes of peptide fibre formation, in solution, in real time with nanoscale resolution.
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
Wed Oct 23, 2019 03:00
Altered dendritic spine function and integration in a mouse model of fragile X syndrome
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
Wed Oct 23, 2019 03:00
Deciphering nanoconfinement effects on molecular orientation and reaction intermediate by single molecule imaging
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
Wed Oct 23, 2019 03:00
Tetraploidy causes chromosomal instability in acentriolar mouse embryos
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
Wed Oct 23, 2019 03:00
Ballistic transport and boundary resistances in inhomogeneous quantum spin chains
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
Wed Oct 23, 2019 03:00
Concerted dynamics of metallo-base pairs in an A/B-form helical transition
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
Wed Oct 23, 2019 03:00
Modeling and simulation of complex dynamic musculoskeletal architectures
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
Wed Oct 23, 2019 03:00
Single- and multi-component chiral supraparticles as modular enantioselective catalysts
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
Wed Oct 23, 2019 03:00
Self-assembling peptides imaged by correlated liquid cell transmission electron microscopy and MALDI-imaging mass spectrometry
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
Wed Oct 23, 2019 03:00
Arterial vascularization of the right colon with implications for surgery.
Related ArticlesArterial vascularization of the right colon with implications for surgery. Surg Radiol Anat. 2019 Oct 21;: Authors: Bruzzi M, M'harzi L, Poghosyan T, Ben Abdallah I, Papadimitriou A, Ragot E, El Batti S, Balaya V, Taieb J, Chevallier JM, Douard R Abstract PURPOSE: During right-sided colectomies, surgeons encounter major anatomical variations at the level of the right colon, leading to morbidity. Due to the confusion surrounding the colonic...
radiol anat
Wed Oct 23, 2019 13:51
Utility of the plasma pancreatic polypeptide response to modified sham feeding in diabetic gastroenteropathy and non‐ulcer dyspepsia
Distribution of PP response to modified sham feeding vs cardiovagal functions in controls, diabetes mellitus and non‐ulcer dyspepsia. CASS scores of 0, 1, 2, and 3 respectively represent no, mild, moderate, and severe cardiovagal dysfunctions. Cardiovagal functions were not evaluated in one patient with NUD. PP, pancreatic polypeptide. Abstract Background The relationship between cardiovascular and gastrointestinal (ie, plasma pancreatic polypeptide [PP] response to modified sham feeding [MSF])...
The European Gastrointestinal Motility Society
Tue Oct 22, 2019 21:54
Clinical and biological significance of EZH2 expression in endometrial cancer
Cancer Biology & Therapy: Table of Contents: Taylor and Francis
Wed Oct 23, 2019 09:03
Differential Influence of Acupuncture Somatosensory and Cognitive/Affective Components on Functional Brain Connectivity and Pain Reduction During Low Back Pain State.
Related ArticlesDifferential Influence of Acupuncture Somatosensory and Cognitive/Affective Components on Functional Brain Connectivity and Pain Reduction During Low Back Pain State. Front Neurosci. 2019;13:1062 Authors: Lee J, Eun S, Kim J, Lee JH, Park K Abstract The underlying mechanism of pain reduction by acupuncture is still unclear, because acupuncture treatment involves multidimensional factors. In this study, we investigated the differential...
pubmed: frontiers in neurosc...
Wed Oct 23, 2019 13:40
Hemodynamic Correlates of Electrophysiological Activity in the Default Mode Network.
Related ArticlesHemodynamic Correlates of Electrophysiological Activity in the Default Mode Network. Front Neurosci. 2019;13:1060 Authors: Marino M, Arcara G, Porcaro C, Mantini D Abstract Hemodynamic fluctuations in the default mode network (DMN), observed through functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), have been linked to electrophysiological oscillations detected by electroencephalography (EEG). It has been reported that, among the electrophysiological...
pubmed: frontiers in neurosc...
Wed Oct 23, 2019 13:40
Visualization and Quantification of Post-stroke Neural Connectivity and Neuroinflammation Using Serial Two-Photon Tomography in the Whole Mouse Brain.
Related ArticlesVisualization and Quantification of Post-stroke Neural Connectivity and Neuroinflammation Using Serial Two-Photon Tomography in the Whole Mouse Brain. Front Neurosci. 2019;13:1055 Authors: Poinsatte K, Betz D, Torres VO, Ajay AD, Mirza S, Selvaraj UM, Plautz EJ, Kong X, Gokhale S, Meeks JP, Ramirez DMO, Goldberg MP, Stowe AM Abstract Whole-brain volumetric microscopy techniques such as serial two-photon tomography (STPT) can provide detailed...
pubmed: frontiers in neurosc...
Wed Oct 23, 2019 13:40
Quantifying Neurodegenerative Progression With DeepSymNet, an End-to-End Data-Driven Approach.
Related ArticlesQuantifying Neurodegenerative Progression With DeepSymNet, an End-to-End Data-Driven Approach. Front Neurosci. 2019;13:1053 Authors: Pena D, Barman A, Suescun J, Jiang X, Schiess MC, Giancardo L, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Abstract Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common neurodegenerative disorder worldwide and is one of the leading sources of morbidity and mortality in the aging population. There is a long preclinical...
pubmed: frontiers in neurosc...
Wed Oct 23, 2019 13:40
Auditory Categorization of Man-Made Sounds Versus Natural Sounds by Means of MEG Functional Brain Connectivity.
Related ArticlesAuditory Categorization of Man-Made Sounds Versus Natural Sounds by Means of MEG Functional Brain Connectivity. Front Neurosci. 2019;13:1052 Authors: Salvari V, Paraskevopoulos E, Chalas N, Müller K, Wollbrink A, Dobel C, Korth D, Pantev C Abstract Previous neuroimaging studies have shown that sounds can be discriminated due to living-related or man-made-related characteristics and involve different brain regions. However, these studies...
pubmed: frontiers in neurosc...
Wed Oct 23, 2019 13:40
Adenosine Receptor A2a, but Not A1 in the rVLM Participates Along With Opioids in Acupuncture-Mediated Inhibition of Excitatory Cardiovascular Reflexes.
Related ArticlesAdenosine Receptor A2a, but Not A1 in the rVLM Participates Along With Opioids in Acupuncture-Mediated Inhibition of Excitatory Cardiovascular Reflexes. Front Neurosci. 2019;13:1049 Authors: Malik S, Samaniego T, Guo ZL Abstract Electroacupuncture (EA) can be used to lower high blood pressure (BP) in clinical practice. However, precise mechanisms underlying its effects on elevated BP remain unclear. Our previous studies have shown that...
pubmed: frontiers in neurosc...
Wed Oct 23, 2019 13:40
Low-Dimensional Motor Cortex Dynamics Preserve Kinematics Information During Unconstrained Locomotion in Nonhuman Primates.
Related ArticlesLow-Dimensional Motor Cortex Dynamics Preserve Kinematics Information During Unconstrained Locomotion in Nonhuman Primates. Front Neurosci. 2019;13:1046 Authors: Xing D, Aghagolzadeh M, Truccolo W, Borton D Abstract The dynamical systems view of movement generation in motor cortical areas has emerged as an effective way to explain the firing properties of populations of neurons recorded from these regions. Recently, many studies have...
pubmed: frontiers in neurosc...
Wed Oct 23, 2019 13:40
A Laboratory Study of the McGurk Effect in 324 Monozygotic and Dizygotic Twins.
Related ArticlesA Laboratory Study of the McGurk Effect in 324 Monozygotic and Dizygotic Twins. Front Neurosci. 2019;13:1029 Authors: Feng G, Zhou B, Zhou W, Beauchamp MS, Magnotti JF Abstract Multisensory integration of information from the talker's voice and the talker's mouth facilitates human speech perception. A popular assay of audiovisual integration is the McGurk effect, an illusion in which incongruent visual speech information categorically...
pubmed: frontiers in neurosc...
Wed Oct 23, 2019 13:40
Cerebrospinal Fluid and Blood Cytokines as Biomarkers for Multiple Sclerosis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of 226 Studies With 13,526 Multiple Sclerosis Patients.
Related ArticlesCerebrospinal Fluid and Blood Cytokines as Biomarkers for Multiple Sclerosis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of 226 Studies With 13,526 Multiple Sclerosis Patients. Front Neurosci. 2019;13:1026 Authors: Bai Z, Chen D, Wang L, Zhao Y, Liu T, Yu Y, Yan T, Cheng Y Abstract Background: Multiple sclerosis (MS) biomarker identification is important for pathogenesis research and diagnosis in routine clinical practice. Cerebrospinal fluid...
pubmed: frontiers in neurosc...
Wed Oct 23, 2019 13:40
White Matter fMRI Activation Cannot Be Treated as a Nuisance Regressor: Overcoming a Historical Blind Spot.
Related ArticlesWhite Matter fMRI Activation Cannot Be Treated as a Nuisance Regressor: Overcoming a Historical Blind Spot. Front Neurosci. 2019;13:1024 Authors: Grajauskas LA, Frizzell T, Song X, D'Arcy RCN Abstract Despite past controversies, increasing evidence has led to acceptance that white matter activity is detectable using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). In spite of this, advanced analytic methods continue to be published that...
pubmed: frontiers in neurosc...
Wed Oct 23, 2019 13:40
Activity and safety of temozolomide in advanced adrenocortical carcinoma patients.
Related ArticlesActivity and safety of temozolomide in advanced adrenocortical carcinoma patients. Eur J Endocrinol. 2019 Oct 01;: Authors: Cosentini D, Badalamenti G, Grisanti S, Basile V, Rapa I, Cerri S, Spallanzani A, Perotti P, Musso E, Laganà M, Ferrari V, Luppi G, Dalla Volta A, Incorvaia L, Sigala S, Russo A, Volante M, Terzolo M, Berruti A Abstract OBJECTIVE: Temozolomide has shown a significant anti-proliferative activity on adrenocortical...
Wed Oct 23, 2019 14:38
Analysis of determinants for in vitro resistance to the small molecule deubiquitinase inhibitor b-AP15.
Related ArticlesAnalysis of determinants for in vitro resistance to the small molecule deubiquitinase inhibitor b-AP15. PLoS One. 2019;14(10):e0223807 Authors: Mofers A, Perego P, Selvaraju K, Gatti L, Gullbo J, Linder S, D'Arcy P Abstract BACKGROUND: b-AP15/VLX1570 are small molecule inhibitors of the ubiquitin specific peptidase 14 (USP14) and ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 5 (UCHL5) deubiquitinases (DUBs) of the 19S proteasome. b-AP15/VLX1570...
Wed Oct 23, 2019 14:38
Comprehensive immune profiling and immune-monitoring using body fluid of patients with metastatic gastric cancer.
Related ArticlesComprehensive immune profiling and immune-monitoring using body fluid of patients with metastatic gastric cancer. J Immunother Cancer. 2019 Oct 21;7(1):268 Authors: Park HS, Kwon WS, Park S, Jo E, Lim SJ, Lee CK, Lee JB, Jung M, Kim HS, Beom SH, Park JY, Kim TS, Chung HC, Rha SY Abstract BACKGROUND: The aim of this study is to profile the cytokines and immune cells of body fluid from metastatic gastric cancer (mGC), and evaluate the potential...
Wed Oct 23, 2019 14:38
Breast cancer survival by immunohistochemistry-determined subtype: A retrospective study.
Related ArticlesBreast cancer survival by immunohistochemistry-determined subtype: A retrospective study. Gac Med Mex. 2019;155(Suppl 1):S39-S43 Authors: Valle-Solís AE, Miranda-Aguirre AP, Mora-Pérez J, Pineda-Juárez JA, Gallardo-Valencia LE, Santana L, Cervantes-Sánchez G, Cárdenas-Cárdenas E Abstract Background: Breast cancer subtype classification according to hormone receptors (HR) and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) using immunohistochemistry...
Wed Oct 23, 2019 14:38
Deregulation of Selected MicroRNAs in Sinonasal Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Searching for Potential Prognostic Biomarkers.
Related ArticlesDeregulation of Selected MicroRNAs in Sinonasal Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Searching for Potential Prognostic Biomarkers. Folia Biol (Praha). 2019;65(3):142-151 Authors: Kovaříková J, Baranová I, Laco J, Rozkošová K, Vošmíková H, Vošmík M, Dundr P, Němejcová K, Michálek J, Palička V, Chmelařová M Abstract Sinonasal carcinomas are head and neck tumours arising from the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses characterized by unfavourable outcome,...
Wed Oct 23, 2019 14:38
A Protective Role for RHOJ in NonSmall Cell Lung Cancer Based on Integrated Bioinformatics Analysis.
Related ArticlesA Protective Role for RHOJ in NonSmall Cell Lung Cancer Based on Integrated Bioinformatics Analysis. J Comput Biol. 2019 Oct 23;: Authors: Zeng T, Chen C, Yang P, Zuo W, Liu X, Zhang Y Abstract RHOJ is a small G protein characterized by its abundant expression in endothelial cells. Existing research has documented a link between abnormal RHOJ expression and carcinogenesis. This research aims to investigate the protective role of RHOJ...
Wed Oct 23, 2019 14:38
Weighted gene coexpression analysis indicates that PLAGL2 and POFUT1 are related to the differential features of proximal and distal colorectal cancer.
Related ArticlesWeighted gene coexpression analysis indicates that PLAGL2 and POFUT1 are related to the differential features of proximal and distal colorectal cancer. Oncol Rep. 2019 Oct 14;: Authors: Lv Y, Xie B, Bai B, Shan L, Zheng W, Huang X, Zhu H Abstract In the current era of precision medicine, there is a general consensus that the anatomical site is an important factor in the management of colorectal cancer (CRC). To investigate the underlying...
Wed Oct 23, 2019 14:38
Comparison of accelerometer-derived physical activity levels between individuals with and without cancer: a UK Biobank study.
Related ArticlesComparison of accelerometer-derived physical activity levels between individuals with and without cancer: a UK Biobank study. Future Oncol. 2019 Oct 22;: Authors: McDonald L, Oguz M, Carroll R, Thakkar P, Yang F, Dhalwani N, Cox A, Merinopoulou E, Malcolm B, Mehmud F, Ramagopalan S Abstract Aim: To identify the difference in physical activity (PA) levels between individuals with and without cancer, and to estimate all-cause mortality...
Wed Oct 23, 2019 14:38

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