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Τετάρτη 23 Οκτωβρίου 2019

 , Microarrays for the screening and identification of carbohydrate-binding peptides
Analyst, 2019, Accepted ManuscriptDOI: 10.1039/C9AN01465A, PaperDivya Shastry, Pankaj KarandeThe development of carbohydrate-binding ligands is crucial for expanding knowledge on the glycocode and for achieving systematic carbohydrate targeting. Amongst such ligands, carbohydrate-binding peptides (CBPs) are attractive for use in...The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry
Royal Society of Chemistry (Great Britain) Society for Analytical Chemistry Society of Public Analysts (Great Britain)
Wed Oct 23, 2019 02:00
New data on the evolution of plants and origin of species
There are over 500,000 plant species in the world today. They all evolved from a common ancestor. How this leap in biodiversity happened is still unclear. Researchers now present the results of a unique project on the evolution of plants. Using genetic data from 1,147 species the team created the most comprehensive evolutionary tree for green plants to date.
Evolutionary Biology News -- ScienceDaily
Wed Oct 23, 2019 20:22
The National Cancer Institute and Department of Veterans Affairs Interagency Group to Accelerate Trials Enrollment (NAVIGATE): A federal collaboration to improve cancer care
Publication date: Available online 22 October 2019Source: Seminars in OncologyAuthor(s): Sara J. Schiller, Colleen Shannon, Mary T. Brophy, Andrea M. Denicoff, Marjorie J. Good, Sheila A. Prindiville, Grant D. HuangAbstractCancer clinical trials represent an important option for patients with a diagnosis of cancer and the clinician-investigators involved in their care who seek options for their disease. For all who are impacted by cancer, these studies offer opportunities for greater learning. Conducting...
Seminars in Oncology
Wed Oct 23, 2019 21:17
Reflections on and future of hematologic malignancies research in the Veterans Health Administration
Publication date: Available online 22 October 2019Source: Seminars in OncologyAuthor(s): Daphne R. Friedman, Kenneth R. Carson, J. Brice WeinbergAbstractResearch in the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) has played an integral part in learning about cancer biology and treatment. Here we provide examples of past research performed in the VHA focusing on hematologic malignancies, and identify future opportunities for areas of research in this group of uncommon diseases that have specific importance...
Seminars in Oncology
Wed Oct 23, 2019 21:17
Lactobacillus iners Is Associated with Vaginal Dysbiosis in Healthy Pregnant Women: A Preliminary Study
Vaginal dysbiosis has been identified to be associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes, such as preterm delivery and premature rupture of membranes. However, the overall structure and composition of vaginal microbiota in different trimesters of the pregnant women has not been fully elucidated. In this study, the physiological changes of the vaginal microbiota in healthy pregnant women were investigated. A total of 83 healthy pregnant participants were enrolled, who are in the first, second, or third...
BioMed Research International
Wed Oct 23, 2019 21:05
Tracheal injury complicating Sistrunk's thyroglossal cyst surgery
Publication date: Available online 22 October 2019Source: European Annals of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck DiseasesAuthor(s): F. Blanc, C. Blanchet, M. Mondain, M. AkkariAbstractIntroductionAirway injury is a very rare complication of thyroglossal duct cyst surgery in children. The wound is most frequently located at the larynx, due to a confusion between the hyoid bone and the thyroid cartilage.ObservationThis is the first report of a tracheal injury complicating Sistrunk's procedure in a 3...
Wed Oct 23, 2019 21:10
Efficacy and safety of CT-guided <sup>125</sup>I seed implantation as a salvage treatment for locally recurrent head and neck soft tissue sarcoma after surgery and external beam radiotherapy: A 12-year study at a single institution
Publication date: Available online 22 October 2019Source: BrachytherapyAuthor(s): Yi Chen, Yuliang Jiang, Zhe Ji, Ping Jiang, Fei Xu, Yibao Zhang, Fuxing Guo, Ran Peng, Xuemin Li, Haitao Sun, Runhong Lei, Jinghong Fan, Weiyan Li, Junjie WangAbstractObjectivesThe objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of CT-guided radioactive 125I seed implantation as a salvage treatment for locally recurrent head and neck soft tissue sarcoma (HNSTS) after surgery and external beam radiotherapy.Methods...
Wed Oct 23, 2019 21:07
Expansion of the CD4<sup>+</sup> effector T cell repertoire characterizes peanut-allergic patients with heightened clinical sensitivity
Publication date: Available online 22 October 2019Source: Journal of Allergy and Clinical ImmunologyAuthor(s): Bert Ruiter, Neal P. Smith, Brinda Monian, Ang A. Tu, Elizabeth Fleming, Yamini V. Virkud, Sarita U. Patil, Charles A. Whittaker, J. Christopher Love, Wayne G. ShrefflerAbstractBackgroundIndividuals with peanut allergy range in clinical sensitivity: some can consume grams of peanut before experiencing any symptoms, while others suffer systemic reactions to 10 mg or less. Current diagnostic...
Allergy and Clinical Immunology
Wed Oct 23, 2019 21:00
Dysfunctional microbiota with reduced capacity to produce butyrate as a basis for allergic diseases
Publication date: Available online 22 October 2019Source: Journal of Allergy and Clinical ImmunologyAuthor(s): Laurence Macia, Charles R. Mackay
Allergy and Clinical Immunology
Wed Oct 23, 2019 21:00
Rumination and the default mode network: Meta-analysis of brain imaging studies and implications for depression
Publication date: Available online 23 October 2019Source: NeuroImageAuthor(s): Hui-Xia Zhou, Xiao Chen, Yang-Qian Shen, Le Li, Ning-Xuan Chen, Zhi-Chen Zhu, Francisco Xavier Castellanos, Chao-Gan YanAbstractRumination is strongly and consistently correlated with depression. Although multiple studies have explored the neural correlates of rumination, findings have been inconsistent and the mechanisms underlying rumination remain elusive. Functional brain imaging studies have identified areas in the...
Wed Oct 23, 2019 20:45
Spectral partitioning identifies individual heterogeneity in the functional network topography of ventral and anterior medial prefrontal cortex
Publication date: Available online 22 October 2019Source: NeuroImageAuthor(s): Claudio Toro-Serey, Sean M. Tobyne, Joseph T. McGuireAbstractRegions of human medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and posterior cingulate cortex (PCC) are part of the default network (DN), and additionally are implicated in diverse cognitive functions ranging from autobiographical memory to subjective valuation. Our ability to interpret the apparent co-localization of task-related effects with DN-regions is constrained by...
Wed Oct 23, 2019 20:45
Bilingualism as a gradient measure modulates functional connectivity of language and control networks
Publication date: Available online 22 October 2019Source: NeuroImageAuthor(s): Simone Sulpizio, Nicola Del Maschio, Gianpaolo Del Mauro, Davide Fedeli, Jubin AbutalebiAbstractThere is currently no agreement on which factor modulates most effectively and enduringly brain plasticity in bilingual individuals. Grouping heterogeneous linguistic profiles under a dichotomous condition (bilingualism versus monolingualism) may obscure critical aspects of language experience underlying neural changes, thus...
Wed Oct 23, 2019 20:45
Post-stimulus beta responses are modulated by task duration
Publication date: Available online 22 October 2019Source: NeuroImageAuthor(s): Daisie O. Pakenham, Andrew J. Quinn, Adam Fry, Susan T. Francis, Mark W. Woolrich, Matthew J. Brookes, Karen J. MullingerAbstractModulation of beta-band neural oscillations during and following movement is a robust marker of brain function. In particular, the post-movement beta rebound (PMBR), which occurs on movement cessation, has been related to inhibition and connectivity in the healthy brain, and is perturbed in disease....
Wed Oct 23, 2019 20:45
Neuroimaging predictors of creativity in healthy adults
Publication date: Available online 22 October 2019Source: NeuroImageAuthor(s): Adam Sunavsky, Jordan PoppenkAbstractNeuroimaging has revealed numerous neural predictors of individual differences in creativity; however, with most of these identified in only one study, sometimes involving very small samples, their reliability is uncertain. To contribute to a convergent cognitive neuroscience of creativity, we conducted a pre-registered conceptual replication and extension study in which we assessed...
Wed Oct 23, 2019 20:45
Decomposing alpha and 1/f brain activities reveals their differential associations with cognitive processing speed
Publication date: Available online 22 October 2019Source: NeuroImageAuthor(s): Guang Ouyang, Andrea Hildebrandt, Florian Schmitz, Christoph S. HerrmannAbstractResearch in cognitive neuroscience has extensively demonstrated that the temporal dynamics of brain activity are associated with cognitive functioning. The temporal dynamics mainly include oscillatory and 1/f noise-like, non-oscillatory brain activities that coexist in many forms of brain activity and confound each other's variability. As such,...
Wed Oct 23, 2019 20:45
Neural tracking and integration of ‘self’ and ‘other’ in improvised interpersonal coordination
Publication date: Available online 22 October 2019Source: NeuroImageAuthor(s): Manuel Varlet, Sylvie Nozaradan, Patti Nijhuis, Peter E. KellerAbstractHumans coordinate their movements with one another in a range of everyday activities and skill domains. Optimal joint performance requires the continuous anticipation of and adaptation to each other's movements, especially when actions are spontaneous rather than pre-planned. Here we employ dual-EEG and frequency-tagging techniques to investigate how...
Wed Oct 23, 2019 20:45
Medgadget Tours Poland and Its Medtech Scene
On September 1, 1939, German forces under the command of Hitler invaded Poland, marking the official start of World War II. Hundreds of thousands of Polish civilians were massacred, and much of the country, including 80% of the capital city of Warsaw, was completely leveled. But the country, despite Nazi and Soviet occupation, recovered and flourished, and is now a growing central European destination. Of Poland’s many thriving economies, the medical technology sector in particular is significant,...
Wed Oct 23, 2019 20:10
New Medical 3D Printer Unveiled by B9Creations
B9Creations, a company out of Rapid City, South Dakota, is releasing its B9 Core Med 500 medical printer, a device based on the popular B9 Core Series line of devices. The company is already well established in the dentistry field with its high precision 3D printers, but it’s now also forming a new healthcare division to more broadly expand into the medical space. The device comes along with new medical-grade (ISO 10993) biocompatible materials that work well on the printer....
Wed Oct 23, 2019 19:44
NICO Myriad NOVUS Provides Xenon Lighting for Brain Resections
NICO Corporation, a company based in Indianapolis, Indiana, is releasing its new NICO Myriad NOVUS resection tool. The FDA cleared product combines xenon illumination with NICO’s proven myriad neural tissue removal technology. Xenon lights reproduce the visible spectrum of daylight much better than most other bulbs, although LED contenders are now available, and so are often the optimal choice when working in a confined environment and where precision is key. The Myriad NOVUS is intended...
Wed Oct 23, 2019 19:07
Canon Ultra High-Res Aquilion Precision CT Now Boosted by Artificial Intelligence
Canon has announced that its new Advanced Intelligent Clear-IQ Engine (AiCE) has been cleared by the FDA to be used on the company’s “ultra high-resolution” Aquilion Precision CT system. The use of the AiCE deep convolutional neural network for image reconstruction, coupled with the Aquilion Precision’s ability to get about twice as much resolution in an image compared with conventional CT, should allow clinicians to diagnose conditions based on smaller anatomy than before and to see lesions that...
Wed Oct 23, 2019 17:43
Dehiscence and fenestration in anterior teeth
Abstract Background Previous studies have reported incidence rates of dehiscence (DEH) and fenestration (FEN) as high as 36.51 and 51.09%, respectively. Only a few studies comparing DEH and FEN before and after orthodontic treatment (OT) are available in the literature. Purpose The aim of this study was to evaluate the occurrence of DEH and FEN in anterior...
Latest Results for Journal of Orofacial Orthopedics / Fortschritte der Kieferorthopädie
Wed Oct 23, 2019 03:00
Effect of orbital radiotherapy on the outcome of surgical orbital decompression for thyroid-associated orbitopathy (TAO): a retrospective study in 136 patients
Abstract Purpose In patients with moderate to severe thyroid-associated orbitopathy (TAO), orbital radiation therapy (ORT) can prevent disease progression. In the sequelae stage, orbital decompression surgery can be useful in case of functional discomfort. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of orbital ORT on the outcomes of decompression surgery. Methods ...
International journal of basic and clinical endocrinology
Wed Oct 23, 2019 03:00
Materials for pulpotomy in immature permanent teeth: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Abstract Background Pulpotomy is one of the most widely used methods in preserving vital pulp in teeth, which is of great significance in achieving continue root formation in immature permanent teeth suffering from dental caries or trauma. The aim of this meta-analysis and systemic review is to synthesize the available evidences to compare different pulpotomy dressing agents for pulpotomy treatment in immature permanent teeth. ...
Latest Results for BMC Oral Health
Wed Oct 23, 2019 03:00
[ASAP] Ultra-High-Pressure Ion Chromatography with Suppressed Conductivity Detection at 70 MPa Using Columns Packed with 2.5 µm Anion-Exchange Particles
Analytical ChemistryDOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.9b03283
Analytical Chemistry
Wed Oct 23, 2019 07:00
[ASAP] Regiospecific Analysis of Triacylglycerols by Ultrahigh-Performance-Liquid Chromatography–Electrospray Ionization–Tandem Mass Spectrometry
Analytical ChemistryDOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.9b02968
Analytical Chemistry
Wed Oct 23, 2019 07:00
[ASAP] Fluorogenic Assay for Acetohydroxyacid Synthase: Design and Applications
Analytical ChemistryDOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.9b02739
Analytical Chemistry
Wed Oct 23, 2019 07:00
[ASAP] Versatile Electrochemiluminescence and Photoelectrochemical Detection of Glutathione Using Mn<sup>2+</sup> Substitute Target by DNA-Walker-Induced Allosteric Switch and Signal Amplification
Analytical ChemistryDOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.9b03990
Analytical Chemistry
Wed Oct 23, 2019 07:00
[ASAP] The BODIPY-Based Chemosensor for Fluorometric/Colorimetric Dual Channel Detection of RDX and PA
Analytical ChemistryDOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.9b02888
Analytical Chemistry
Wed Oct 23, 2019 07:00
[ASAP] Versatile Three-Dimensional-Printed Platform for Nitrite Ion Analyses Using a Smartphone with Real-Time Location
Analytical ChemistryDOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.9b03409
Analytical Chemistry
Wed Oct 23, 2019 07:00
Development and validation of a risk prediction model for radiotherapy-related esophageal fistula in esophageal cancer
We aimed to identify the risk factors and provide a nomogram for the prediction of radiotherapy-related esophageal fistula in patients with esophageal cancer (EC) using a case-control study.
Radiation Oncology - Latest Articles
Tue Oct 22, 2019 03:00
Stereotactic ablative radiotherapy versus conventionally fractionated radiotherapy in the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma with portal vein invasion: a retrospective analysis
This study aimed to compare the clinical outcomes of stereotactic ablative radiotherapy (SABR) and conventionally fractionated radiotherapy (CFRT) in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) patients with portal vein in...
Radiation Oncology - Latest Articles
Tue Oct 22, 2019 03:00
Knee arthroscopy without the use of the tourniquet could enhance the use of the Y sign for determining optimal placement of the anteromedial portal
Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy
Wed Oct 23, 2019 03:00
Υπέρταση: Ποια ώρα της ημέρας σας «πιάνουν» καλύτερα τα φάρμακά σας
Οι πάσχοντες από υπέρταση που λαμβάνουν την αντιϋπερτασική αγωγή τους πριν πέσουν να κοιμηθούν το βράδυ έχουν καλύτερο έλεγχο της αρτηριακής πίεσης τους και σημαντικά μειωμένο κίνδυνο θανάτου ή νοσηρότητας λόγω καρδιακών ή αγγειακών προβλημάτων συγκριτικά με εκείνους που παίρνουν τα αντιϋπερτασικά το πρωί. Στο συμπέρασμα αυτό καταλήγει η μελέτη Hygia Chronotherapy Trial, που δημοσιεύθηκε στο European Heart Journal. Πρόκειται για την μεγαλύτερη έρευνα που εστιάζει την επίδραση του χρόνου στην αποτελεσματικότητα...
Επιστημονικές Εξελίξεις – ygeiamou | Το αξιόπιστο site για την Υγεία, τη Διατροφή και την Ευεξία
Wed Oct 23, 2019 14:56
Ποιες σκέψεις κυριαρχούν στο μυαλό όσων νιώθουν απομονωμένοι
Οι άνθρωποι που αισθάνονται συχνά αποξενωμένοι, απομονωμένοι και πως κανείς δεν τους καταλαβαίνει, είναι πιο πιθανό να έχουν επίμονες σκέψεις θανάτου σε σχέση με άλλους, σύμφωνα με νέα έρευνα που δημοσιεύθηκε στο  Journal of Research in Personality. Δεν είναι ακόμη βέβαιο κατά πόσο αυτά τα αισθήματα απομόνωσης δύνανται να εξηγήσουν την ύπαρξη των σκέψεων θανάτου, αλλά υπάρχουν ενδείξεις που υποστηρίζουν τη συγκεκριμένη υπόθεση. «Πρόκειται για μια εμπειρία που κάποιοι άνθρωποι έχουν και ορισμένοι...
Επιστημονικές Εξελίξεις – ygeiamou | Το αξιόπιστο site για την Υγεία, τη Διατροφή και την Ευεξία
Wed Oct 23, 2019 09:03
Πώς μπορούν να μας παχύνουν τα πλαστικά
Μια ένωση που χρησιμοποιείται για την αντικατάσταση της θεωρούμενης ως ενδροκρινικού διαταράκτη δισφαινόλης Α (BPA), ίσως προκαλεί βλάβη στα λιποκύτταρα, πράγμα το οποίο θα μπορούσε να οδηγήσει σε αυξημένη φλεγμονή και παχυσαρκία. Αυτά τουλάχιστον υποστηρίζει η πρώτη στο είδος της μελέτη με θέμα τις επιπτώσεις που μπορεί να έχει η δισφαινόλη AF (BPAF) στην υγεία, η οποία δημοσιεύθηκε στο American Journal of Physiology—Cell Physiology. Πρόσφατες μελέτες υποδεικνύουν ότι, εκτός από τους παράγοντες...
Επιστημονικές Εξελίξεις – ygeiamou | Το αξιόπιστο site για την Υγεία, τη Διατροφή και την Ευεξία
Wed Oct 23, 2019 08:55
Τι μαθαίνουμε για την θεραπεία της υπέρτασης από όσους δεν «πιάνει» το αλάτι
Το κλειδί για την αντιμετώπιση της υπέρτασης μπορεί να κρύβεται στους ανθρώπους που «αντιστέκονται» στην αύξηση της αρτηριακής πίεσης ακόμα κι αν ακολουθούν μια διατροφή με πολύ αλάτι, σύμφωνα με τα όσα υποδεικνύει μια έρευνα που δημοσιεύθηκε στο Experimental Physiology. Στο Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο ένας στους τέσσερις ενηλίκους πάσχουν από υπέρταση, ενώ σε παγκόσμιο επίπεδο ο αντίστοιχος αριθμός ξεπερνά τους 1,1 δις ανθρώπους, καθιστώντας την υψηλή αρτηριακή πίεση ένα από τα μεγαλύτερα προβλήματα της παγκόσμιας...
Επιστημονικές Εξελίξεις – ygeiamou | Το αξιόπιστο site για την Υγεία, τη Διατροφή και την Ευεξία
Wed Oct 23, 2019 08:43
Να γιατί κάποιοι αντέχουν το ξενύχτι και άλλοι όχι
Επιστήμονες από το Πανεπιστήμιο της Καλιφόρνια στο Σαν Φρανσίσκο ανακάλυψαν ένα νέο γονίδιο που αποτρέπει τη στέρηση ύπνου να κάνει κακό στη λειτουργία της μνήμης. Τα ευρήματα της μελέτης που δημοσιεύθηκε στο Science Translational Medicine, παρουσιάζονται λίγες μόνο εβδομάδες μετά την ανακοίνωση της ανακάλυψης του γονιδίου του «σύντομου ύπνου», από την ίδια επιστημονική ομάδα. Αξίζει να σημειωθεί ότι οι ερευνητές με επικεφαλής την καθηγήτρια Νευρολογίας Ying-Hui Fu, μέλος του Ινστιτούτου Νευροεπιστημών...
Επιστημονικές Εξελίξεις – ygeiamou | Το αξιόπιστο site για την Υγεία, τη Διατροφή και την Ευεξία
Wed Oct 23, 2019 08:34
Άσκηση: Ποια ώρα καίμε διπλάσιο ποσοστό λίπους
Καλύτερο έλεγχο των επιπέδων σακχάρου του αίματος μπορεί να επιφέρει η αλλαγή στον χρόνο που επιλέγετε να φάτε και να γυμναστείτε. Σε αυτό το συμπέρασμα κατέληξε νέα έρευνα που πραγματοποιήθηκε από τα Πανεπιστήμια των Bath και Birmingham και δημοσιεύθηκε στο Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. Στη μελέτη, που διήρκεσε έξι εβδομάδες, συμμετείχαν τριάντα άνδρες που χωρίστηκαν σε παχύσαρκους και υπέρβαρους. Οι ερευνητές συνέκριναν τα αποτελέσματα δύο υπό μελέτη ομάδων οι οποίες χωρίστηκαν...
Επιστημονικές Εξελίξεις – ygeiamou | Το αξιόπιστο site για την Υγεία, τη Διατροφή και την Ευεξία
Wed Oct 23, 2019 08:23

Αντιγήρανση: Ποιες γυναίκες έχουν πιο νεανικό – και πιο έξυπνο – μυαλό
Μπορεί για πολλές νέες μητέρες το μυαλό που «κατακλύζεται» από σκέψεις που αφορούν αποκλειστικά στο μωρό και οι νύχτες χωρίς ύπνο να μην είναι στοιχεία ευοίωνα για τις νοητικές τους ικανότητες τους, μια μελέτη, όμως, υποστηρίζει ότι οι γυναίκες που αποκτούν παιδιά γίνονται πιο οξυδερκείς στην πορεία της ζωής τους. Πιο αναλυτικά, σύμφωνα με τη μελέτη που δημοσιεύθηκε στο Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, οι γυναίκες που γίνονται μητέρες έχουν «νεότερους εγκεφάλους» από εκείνες που...
Επιστημονικές Εξελίξεις – ygeiamou | Το αξιόπιστο site για την Υγεία, τη Διατροφή και την Ευεξία
Wed Oct 23, 2019 08:18

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